Orange County NC Website
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reduce the cost to the County for SOOMHz radio infrastructure, County staff continue to seek <br />grant funding opportunities and other revenue sources to minimize the remaining costs to the <br />County of the 800 MHZ communications interoperability project (for replacement of the 14 year <br />old consoles at the 9-1-1 center and portable and mobile radios for County agencies). This <br />grant program will enable the County and its municipal and volunteer emergency response <br />partner agencies to purchase a number of 800MHz compatible radios. <br />These 147 portable radios that are to be purchased are compatible with the VIPER system and <br />will include a charger, extra battery, and lapel microphone, They are also on State contract, <br />resulting in a 15% savings over list price. The total price will not exceed $471,000, As <br />described in the attached radio allocation table, emergency response agencies will receive a <br />quantity of radios that will provide a base level of communications interoperability during <br />incidents. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no County match required in the use of the grant funds in this <br />manner. Also, the grant does not require the County in any way to expend further funding <br />towards this project. The equipment requested is on State contract under contract number 725- <br />G, so no bid is required, The $471,000 for this project is well within the grant budget. The <br />County will file for reimbursement from the State pursuant to terms of the grant. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board authorize the purchase of <br />the portable radios; authorize the Purchasing Director to execute paperwork as may be <br />appropriate; and direct staff to file for reimbursement pursuant to terms of the grant. <br />