Agenda - 11-08-2018 2 - Proposed Guidelines for the New Orange County Local Rent Supplement Program (OC-LRSP)
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-08-2018 Work Session
Agenda - 11-08-2018 2 - Proposed Guidelines for the New Orange County Local Rent Supplement Program (OC-LRSP)
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Last modified
11/2/2018 10:33:25 AM
Creation date
11/2/2018 10:36:03 AM
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<br /> 1 <br /> <br /> <br />Attachment 1 <br />PART I: OVERVIEW OF THE NEW ORANGE COUNTY LOCAL RENT SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM (OC-LRSP) <br /> <br />A. OVERVIEW <br />The Local Rent Supplement Program is a new rental subsidy program approved by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners on June 19, 2018 with an initial injection of capital in the <br />amount of $100,000. The County’s HOME Consortium, the Local Government Affordable Housing Collaborative, is providing $114, 613 in FY 2018-2019 HOME funds for tenant-based rental <br />assistance as leveraged funds to assist in the implementation of the OC-LRSP. The County will enter into an agreement with the Orange County Housing Authority (OCHA) to administer the new <br />program. <br />The OC-LRSP provides monthly rental subsidies that cover the difference between the rents that low-income families and individuals can afford to pay and the actual monthly cost of rent for the <br />unit. The new program addresses one of the priority housing needs identified in Orange County’s FY 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan, as well as the recently released Affordable Housing <br />Coalition’s 2018 Affordable Housing Summit Report. <br />The new program is designed to complement the federally-funded Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program, which is administered by OCHA and will assist families and individuals who earn <br />50% or less of the Area median Income with priority going to those who are very low income (30% of AMI or less). The program promotes community-wide planning and strategic use of <br />resources to address the jurisdiction’s unmet needs and to narrow the gap in benefits and services received by cost-burdened families. <br />For the most part, and unless otherwise specified, OC-LRSP will follow the rules and regulations of the HCV Program. However, some of the differences between OC-LRSP and HCV Program <br />are that OC-LRSP’s rental subsidies are not for housing outside a 10-mile radius of the County’s jurisdictional boundaries. Therefore the subsidies are not “portable” and are only available to <br />Orange County residents. In addition, the preferences and priorities for the housing assistance are different than those specified in the HCV Program rules and regulations. Furthermore, the <br />rental assistance may be administered as tenant-based and/or project-based. If project-based is utilized then an RFP will be released and proposals solicited from eligible landlords. In the <br />future, OC-LRSP may be amended to include sponsor-based rental assistance as a methodology for incentivizing new affordable housing multi-family development. <br />B. PURPOSE <br />The purpose of the OC Local Rent Supplement Program (OC-LRSP) is to provide rental assistance in the form of a monthly rental subsidy to Homeless/At Risk of Homelessness persons and <br />families, Senior/Disabled persons, and Victims of Domestic Violence who are at or below the fifty (50) percent of the Area Median Income limit. <br />3
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