Minutes - 19580409
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19580409
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L.inutes of the Hoard of Commissioners <br />April 9, 1958 <br />')9 <br />The Orange County Doard of Conmissione rs met in regular session on Lionday~ April. 9+ 1958, <br />10 o'clock a.m. in the Ca'omissioners' room at the Courthouse in Hillsboro, N. C. <br />E:embers present: Chairman A. E!. !J. Hobbs Commissioners Donald ScDade~ Donald Stanford <br />Henry .talker. <br />Etembers absent: Commissioner Dwight !A. Ray. <br />The minutes of the E!arch meeting were read by the Clerk and annroved 'oy the Hoard. <br />The Tollmring deoaztment officials made reports Tor the month of Harch~ 1958: <br />Don E!atheson~ Farm Agent and Fd Darnesr Asst. Farm Agent. <br />Frank -iaddry~ Delineuertt Tax Collector' <br />E. S. Lynch, Cleric of Court <br />Tialter 'rtrenn~ Veterans Service Officer <br />Katherine Pritchard, Asst.'Home Demonstration Agent and the rielS'are <br />Report rras present by Commissioner `.Talker. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Stanford seconded by Conm+issioner E!cDade~ and unanimously <br />~~ed~ Sam Gattis~ E. c. Lynch and A. H. Graham were asked to review and deleate frnn the files in <br />Clerk of Court's office the old cost bills Prom the Recorders Court. <br />The Orange County Boarti of Fducation appeared and reeuested that the 1'ollmring resolution <br />letters be inserted into the minutes for the Hoard of Commissioners. <br />Hillsborq N. C. <br />April. B, 1958 <br />SOLUTION REOUFdIINv THE ~AAD On` C014.SISSIONERS OF ORAiJOE COUIJ'+1' lb CALL AN ELECTION SH Ptic CARREORO <br />'iMITG CROSS DISTRTCTS TTl DEttR`dINE YiHET.iER OR iJOT THOS DISTRICTS SAALL 9ECO:SE A PART OF iiE CHAPEL <br />Z CIP_' ADS±itiISTR.:TNE UMP <br />RE:iS~ citizens of the Carrboro School District. presented petitions to the Orange County Eoaai of <br />cation beazing the names of anororlmately 340 citizens on February 3, 1958, requesting an election <br />determine the rdll of the neoole on the euesti on o_" rfiether or not to become a part of the Chapel <br />1 City Administrative Unit, and <br />REAS. the i'lhite Cross Cocunittee met rtith the Orange County Eoard of Fdunation'on February 8r 1958 <br />unanimously requested an election in the Nlrite Cross School District on the same issue. <br />IT itxSOLUx~J HY THE ORAIIGE COUNTY BOA PD OF ^JUCATIOTI THAI IT REQUESTS: <br />tion 2, 'that the Hoard of Commissioners of Orange County call an election in the Carrboro and 'Ifiite <br />ss Districts to determine the r~:71 of the oewle on the issue of 'whether or not these bro <br />tricts become a Hart of the Chapel Hill City Administrative Unit. <br />tion Ih That the districts in }:hich the electior. shall Le held sha11'be composed of the folloning <br />Beginning at Ltcbanks (State University Railway); thence rd th said trecks in a <br />southerly airectionm rain Street in the tovn of Carrboro; thence S 4x 21' E <br />along the eastern boundary of the property of the Carrboro Yfoolen 1i11s to the <br />tm~m limit; thence with to}m limit in a westerly direction to the back nroeerty <br />line of the property on the east side of County Highway X558; thence in a <br />southerly direction follo;'dng the back of ffie property lines on the left side <br />(east) of County Highw}v x558 to the ChaUiam County line; thence in a westerly <br />direction along the Chatham County line to the hlamance County line; thence in a <br />northerly direction along the Alanance County line to a concrete monument on the <br />Orange and Alamance County line; :vhich point is established by a line running due ,y '.. <br />west 212' Trop the intersectL On of the center lines of the Hebane Oaks Highway <br />and the county road that leads to Oak Grove Baptist Church. Running thence S 35+~ - <br />35' E 8184 feet crossing aforesaid E!ebane Oaks Highway to the intersection of the <br />center lines of the county road that leads westwaxcily Tram Teer to said !de bane Oaks <br />Fiighrtay and the county road that leads to Orange Grove Highway; thence S 83" 50' E <br />15,470 feet to the intersection of the center lines of the Orange Grove Highway and <br />the county road that leads eastwardly from 'Tear to said Orange Grove Highway; thence <br />N 74+% 10' E B~B70 feet to the intersection oT the center lires of the roads at <br />Dodson's Crossroads thence N 69'r 15' E 8915 feet to a point in the center of the <br />west side of the loop road sz=d point being 1,584 feet north of the first intersection <br />going east from Dodson's Crossroads; thence S 72k 30' E 4,382 feet to a point in <br />the center oT the east side of loop road said point being 3,696 feet north of the <br />Tirst intersection north of Nep311e's Store; thence 5 80x 4$' E 4.752 feet to a <br />point in the center of the old 41, C. Highway No. 86 said point being 2640 feet <br />north of the first intersection north of CaLvander; thence S 74~` 00' E 8190 feet <br />to the center of University Pailroad at its intersection with the center line of <br />the county road that leads from lcbanks westwardly to old IL C, Highway No. 86. <br />A71 Heazings referred to true meridian as calculated from scaled values and <br />distances computed Trom scaled values from North Carolina State Highway and Public <br />Fiorks Cormussion E[ap of Orange as revised June 30, 1957, by Robert A. Jonas, <br />Registered Surveyor. <br />tt on IIIr That iS a majority of those who shall vote in the area described in Sec i3.on II shall vote <br />favor of the enlazgement of the Chapel Hill City Unit ty such areas that area shall be consolidated <br />
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