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30 <br /> <br />Commissioner Rich asked if Johnston and Harnett counties would get a percent of <br />Jordan Lake. <br />Howard Fleming said he is not sure that these two counties have an allocation. <br />Commissioner Rich clarified that when the allocations are reviewed, that these two <br />counties will not be part of the process. <br />Howard Fleming said he cannot answer that question. <br />John Roberts said several entities are members to this partnership because they provide <br />water, or have water operations, within the triangle region. He said this is a regional agreement. <br />He said he does not believe that Harnett and Johnston counties draw from Jordan Lake. <br />Commissioner Rich said it just change the scope of the original Jordan Lake agreement. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos asked if there is any mechanism for the members of this <br />organization to set higher standards for water conservation across all the membership. <br />Bonnie Hammersley suggested deferring this item to the next meeting. <br /> <br />h. Unified Animal Control Ordinance Amendments <br />The Board considered approval of amendments to the Unified Animal Control Ordinance <br />and adoption of the Resolution of Amendment Amending Chapter 4 of the Orange County Code <br />of Ordinances, in order to primarily clarify issues identified by the Orange County Animal <br />Services’ Advisory Board and County Attorney’s Office, and authorizing the Chair to sign. <br /> <br />Commissioner Rich said she had some residents call her about this, and especially <br />about the 18 month waiting period to get a dog out of jail, versus losing an appeal, hiring an <br />attorney and going to Superior Court to get a dog out of jail in 6 months. She said this seems <br />and unbalanced solution. <br />John Roberts said only a couple of other counties offer this reprieve from the local <br />determination, and there were staff reasons for this to be 18 months rather than 12 months. He <br />said for the confinement portion of it, there is not always an inspection by 12 months later, and <br />there needs to be adequate time to observe whether a dog will reoffend or not. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if there is a reason that an inspection would not occur within <br />12 months; and are too many inspections being done. <br />Bob Marotto, Animal Services Director, said it is not the quantity of the inspections, but <br />the rather the schedule of the inspections. He said there is an initial inspection, followed by an <br />inspection every year thereafter, in accordance with the ordinance. He said the thought was <br />that it would be beneficial to know that for that year, there was complete compliance with the <br />requirements for keeping the animal as a dangerous animal under the ordinance. He said there <br />would need to be some confidence in the compliance before taking the step that has previously <br />been unavailable in Orange County, and most other jurisdictions in the state, by offering the <br />reprieve. <br />Commissioner Rich said someone with money can get their dog out within 6 months, by <br />hiring an attorney and going to superior court; but those of means, or with a lack of <br />understanding of the system, has to wait 18 months. She said it is unbalanced. <br />Bob Marotto said the Superior Court option is the second step in the appeal process that <br />exists under the ordinance. He said the first step in the appeal process, is the appeal that is <br />made to the Animal Services Hearing Panel Pool, which is available to anyone with no fees, and <br />can involve an attorney is so desired. He said the second step is to go Superior Court, and <br />does not happen very often. <br />Commissioner Rich said 18 months is too long, and this is not a fair solution. She said <br />she would not vote for this. <br />Bob Marotto said the intent of this is to offer people an opportunity to go beyond the <br />restrictions imposed on dangerous animals, which is something that does not currently exist, in <br />any form or fashion, in Orange County. He said that is a huge step forward, and he said the