Orange County NC Website
27 <br /> <br />• Damage to Public Facilities and Property <br />– Individual Assistance (IA) – Declared October 14th <br />• Uninsured Losses <br />• Temporary Housing and Replacement Assistance <br />– Disaster Supplemental Food and Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) <br />• Eligibility Broadened to Account for Storm Related Losses <br />• Department of Social Services to Administer <br />– Small Business Administration Support <br />• Ongoing Housing Support <br />– Residents of Camelot Village Apartments <br />– Ten Families at University Inn Hotel <br />– Sixteen Individuals <br />– Three Cats <br />– One Dog <br />• $12,000 Expended as of October 8th <br />• Reimbursable Expense with Public Assistance Emergency Declaration <br />• Cost Sharing Discussions with Chapel Hill if not Reimbursed <br />– One Family with Disabilities Housed at Red Roof Inn <br /> <br />Lessons Learned and Planning for the Future <br />• Mass Care Shelter Needs and Readiness <br />o Reassess County Facilities <br />o Medically Fragile Residents <br />o Staffing Plans – Expand Responsibilities <br />o Review Compensation for Essential Staff- exempt and non-exempt and <br />treat similar staff the same during an event; probably a workgroup to <br />discuss and provide recommendations <br /> <br />Bonnie Hammersley said another policy issue to address is the reimbursement of hours. <br />She said exempt employees do not get paid, and it may be necessary to create emergency <br />exempt employees. She said department directors determine who is an essential employee <br />during a particular event. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos asked if there is anyway to understand the cost to the flood <br />prone areas in Chapel Hill: Eastgate, Bolin Creek, Booker Creek, etc. He said it would be <br />helpful to understand the entire cost to the community, such as lost wages and economic <br />impacts for all events over the years. He said it may be worth considering what it costs to turn <br />Eastgate into a lake, and potentially redesign that whole area. He said he would like that <br />information. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said they are critical of beach communities that allow residents to <br />continue to build in areas that are repeatedly damaged; yet there is the same issue in some of <br />the communities here. He said those most affected locally are those of low wealth. He said this <br />is a repetitive failure. <br />Commissioner Rich said she spoke to the Chapel Hill Mayor, and the Town is trying to <br />fix some of the areas that are flood prone. She said the County should reach out to them to get <br />some type of report/update. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said it has to be a public health issue to live in a place that is <br />repeatedly flooded. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said a lake would be a benefit to the community, and would <br />turn a constant problem into a nice feature.