Orange County NC Website
GOAL #2 <br />RAISE EMPLOYEES' KNOWLEDGE AND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THEIR OWN HEALTH, <br />WHILE ALSO COLLECTING INFORMATION ABOUT THE HEALTH STATUS, RISKS, AND <br />READINESS TO CHANGE OF THE EMPLOYEE POPULATION. <br />ESTABLISH BENCHMARKS FOR MEASURING OUTCOMES AND IMPROVEMENTS AGAINST <br />FUTURE WELLNESS PROGRAMMING <br />Objective #1 <br />Promote and administer a confidential Health Risk Appraisal (HRA) to the Orange <br />County employees beginning August 2005 and annually thereafter. <br />Strategy 1: <br />Promote to 100% of employees the purpose, benefits, and steps of taking a HRA <br />before distribution of the questionnaire. <br />Implementation <br />Who- Orange County Personnel, OC Department Heads, BCBSNC, ERC <br />Wellness Committee, Health Promotion Coordinator <br />How- Modify already developed materials that promote a HRA for the <br />Orange County employees. Distribute letters with payroll to all employees; <br />send e-mail reminders; and hang flyers/posters in alt government buildings <br />at least 3 weeks prior to HRA distribution. <br />Evaluation/Outcomes <br />(a) One or more flyers/posters in all government buildings <br />Strategy 2: <br />Administer the NRA to at least 30% of employees b,y September 30, 2005. <br />Implementation <br />Who- Orange County Department Heads, Personnel Department, Health <br />Promotion Coordinator, Healthy Carolinians <br />How- Distribute the HRA to all employees during departmental staff <br />meetings; Departments to provide time for employees to complete HRA <br />confidentially, provide envelopes marked confidential for each employee to <br />seal and return their forms to personnel. Each envelope wilt have a slip <br />with participants name and dept, to be removed and placed in a box to <br />enter all participants in a prize drawing, all who complete HRA will receive <br />an incentive item as well. Forms will be collected by Orange County <br />personnel and sent to Wellsaurce for processing. Wellsource will send back <br />individual, confidential reports by mail to each participant's home address <br />within 4 weeks. Aggregate report will be sent to personnel. <br />Evaluation/Outcomes <br />(a) Determine participation rate based on the number of HRAs completed <br />versus the number of HRAs distributed. <br />