Orange County NC Website
Strategy 1: <br />Identify existing walking groups at worksites and promote to expand the number <br />of groups and walkers by June 2006. <br />Implementation <br />Who- Employee Relations Consortium (ERC) Wellness Committee with OCHD <br />Health Promotion Coordinator <br />How- Survey all departments for existing walking groups; identify main <br />contact(s) for each walking group; obtain membership in walking groups <br />from contact person; promote the groups to the employees at, their worksite <br />through flyers, word of mouth, e-mail etc. at each worksite. Pedometers <br />will be provided to increase participation. <br />Evaluation/Outcomes <br />(a) List of groups created and distributed <br />(b) Increase number of employees walking on a regular basis by 10% by June <br />2007 <br />(c) Increase membership within groups by 10% by .)une 2007 <br />Strategy 2: <br />Offer at least 3 "Lunch and Learns" on physical activity for all employees by <br />.June 2006, <br />Implementation <br />Who- Orange County Parks and Recreation, BCBSNC, and OCHD <br />How- Classes offered throughout the year through the Orange County <br />Training Calendar. Each partner to develop programs for the lunch and <br />learns. Incentives wilt be offered to increase class participation. <br />Evaluation/Outcomes <br />(a) At least 10 participants to attend each lunch and learn <br />(b) Participants to complete pre and post test to gauge increased knowledge <br />when applicable <br />(c) Ninety percent of participants wilt agree that sessions were useful <br />(d) Conduct 3 month past-session follow-up survey of participants to <br />determine any increase in physical activity as a result of the sessions <br />Strategy 3: <br />Promote local Orange County physical activity, recreational, and walking <br />resources to all employees. <br />Implementation <br />Who- Orange County Parks and Recreation, the ERC Wellness Committee, <br />OCHD, and Healthy Carolinians <br />How- Distribute print material (i.e. maps, recreation areas, parks, gyms <br />w/discounts) to all 36 ERC representatives to hand out to each employee. <br />Evaluation/Outcomes <br />(a) Ninety percent of the ERC representatives hand out all materials to their <br />department by June 2006. <br />