Orange County NC Website
28 <br />10. In addition to the above specified activities, the County agrees to complete <br />the following eligibility requirements for the Risk Management Pool (RMP) <br />Wellness Incentive Program; <br />• Wellness-promoting bulletin boards in prominent locations (please specify <br />locations . Employee break areas at Southern Human Services Center, Whiffed <br />Human Services Center, Government Services Center (GSC) and GSC annex, <br />EMS, Public Works, Motor Pool, and Carr Building. <br />• Bi-monthly health newsletter - Tc be included in Orange Alive <br />• Workplace newsletter if employee group is larger than 100 employees -Orange <br />Alive is currently published bi-monthly and distributed to all 844 employees. <br />• Submit RMP Annual Evaluation Data: sick leave utilization (unscheduled <br />absenteeism figures), workers compensation claims (number, type accident, and <br />claims cost), wellness program participation rates (employee participant numbers <br />versus average numbers eligible to participate), and annual employe health <br />interest survey summary. <br />• Submit Coordinators Twice Per Year Feedback Report (Initial report due after <br />first quarter funded; second report due during the last quarter funded) <br />• Submit year-end summary to the RMP Wellness Committee <br />11. Describe workplace changes or policies that support your wellness <br />program (i.e. smoke-free workplace, nutrient listing near vending <br />machines, flex-time, etc. <br />Orange County is already a smoke-free workplace. We implemented a water <br />pitcher program last year to encourage that water be served at all County meetings <br />and functions, We currently offer a liberal flex-time policy sc that employees can <br />workout over the lunch hour or, work early or late to accommodate making a trip to <br />the gym or the like, <br />The plan for the coming year will include changes and labeling to vending and <br />working with county caterers to offer more healthy options, <br />12. Describe evidence of the governmental unit's long-term commitment to the <br />targeted risk program and future plans to make the program self- <br />sustaining. <br />County management and personnel have made a commitment to support this <br />program over the long-term, A position within the County Health Department has <br />been reconfigured in order to provide a coordinator for the Wellness program, <br />Management has stated that employee health is a top concern and they understand <br />that it will take time to create change in employee health behaviors that will result in <br />a healthier and more productive workforce, They are prepared to support the <br />program into the future. <br />