Orange County NC Website
RMP Employee Wellness Grant Program Proposal, Orange County, NC <br />27 <br />Support to help people make health care decisions in a careful and thoughtful <br />manner in order to help reduce costs, <br />7. Describe OTHER KEY ACTIVITIES in your wellness program plan this year <br />As described in the attached goals and objectives for the OCEW P, we will offer at <br />least six lunch and learn sessions on nutrition and physical activity, We will make <br />efforts to improve selections in the vending machines and label vending for healthy <br />choices. We will work to improve healthy selections from frequently used caterers <br />and to encourage healthier choices by those ordering catered food for county <br />functions, We plan to organize walking groups at County worksites. We also plan <br />to promote programs via Blue Cross such as Blue Paints that encourage physical <br />activity, We will promote programs offered by various County Departments such as <br />exercise classes through Recreation and Parks and pre-retirement planning through <br />the Department on Aging, <br />8. Identify your efforts to motivate or provide INCENTIVES for employee <br />participation. <br />As mentioned previously, incentives will be provided for those who complete the <br />HRA, We will also work with our partners at Blue Cross to provide incentives for <br />employees participating in lunch and learn programs and the Ccunty Manager has <br />agreed to provide some funds to help purchase incentives as well, We will also <br />seek donations for incentives, All of the incentives will be health related such as <br />water bottles, exercise stretch bands, pedometers or hand weights, for the lunch <br />and learn sessions and for the drawing after the HRA, larger prizes such as gym <br />memberships, free classes, or massage certificates may be offered, <br />9. Describe how you will COMMUNICATE and promote the County wellness <br />program to the Board of Commissioners, management and department <br />heads, and general employee population. <br />As stated in question number 2, we have already presented the overall plan to the <br />Department Heads and the County Manager, We have also presented the goals <br />and objectives to the Employee Relations Consortium for their approval, We will be <br />presenting the plan to the Orange County Board of Commissioners in May 2005. <br />We plan to use the members of the ERC and department heads to help Canvey <br />information to each department, We will use the bi-monthly employee newsletter <br />Orange Alive as a means of communication to employees and management, <br />Health related posters and flyers on specific programs will be displayed on bulletin <br />boards in the worksites and e-mails will be sent as needed, All wellness related <br />programs will be listed in the employee training calendar and this will be posted on <br />the Intranet and distributed electronically via the e-mail network, <br />n <br />