Orange County NC Website
23 <br />PROPOSAL FOR the NCACC RMP WELLNESS INCENTIVE PROGRAM <br />The County of Orange is pleased to present, <br />for your approval, the following plan for an employee wellness grant with the risk <br />Management Pools for the Year 2005-06 <br />This plan was presented to John Link (County Manager) and was approved on March <br />29, 2005. <br />Projected Total Upcoming Year Wellness Budget: $18,945 <br />INSTRUCTIONS: <br />The following three sections of the proposal must be completed: <br />A description of your wellness program describing the employee health risk <br />screening, blood pressure screening, back injury prevention program, health care <br />consumerism series, additional program component options, and communication <br />activities planned. <br />2. Projected program budget for upcoming year. (List expenditures by the following <br />categories: health risk assessment screening, hypertension screening, back injury <br />prevention program, additional program options, communication activities, and <br />other activities planned). <br />3. Program timeline. <br />