Orange County NC Website
With the new opportunities for employee wellness provided by Healthy Carolinians and EHP <br />Blue, representatives from the Personnel Department and Health Department formed a work <br />group and began working with EHP Blue to assess the needs and develop a wellness program <br />for Orange County employees, To assist in this, a student from the UNC School of Public <br />Health gathered and analyzed data that includes a County vending machine survey, an <br />employee interest survey, an environmental scan of six major County work sites, and interviews <br />with department heads, The group also reviewed the aggregate Blue Cross claims analysis of <br />employees from 2003 and compiled a listing of existing health and wellness programs being <br />offered through the County. The County's Employee Relations Consortium made up of <br />representatives from the County departments also has been involved in providing feedback to <br />the work group. <br />After this assessment and analysis, the Personnel, Health and EHP Blue work group developed <br />the Attachment 1 mission statement and accompanying set of goals, objectives and strategies <br />to guide the first year of implementation, <br />The Personnel Department has identified a small amount of funding (up to $5,000) that could <br />be made available to the program and the Health Department has committed existing staff <br />resources to coordinate the program. Various other County departments also will contribute <br />their expertise in different areas of the program, The County will have available the materials <br />and programs offered by Blue Cross through its Blue Care Plan. <br />The Attachment 2 grant application to the NC Association of County Commissioners will provide <br />enhanced funding to generate interest and commitment to the program in its first year, <br />Specifically the grant will provide funding far health risk assessments, health screenings, <br />employee communications and participation incentives. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The grant request is for $18,445 to support the initiation of the employee <br />wellness program in 2005-06. Depending on the first year experience, ongoing County costs <br />may include health risk assessments at regular intervals and associated costs for screenings for <br />the health risk assessment (estimated at $12,000), The programming will came from existing <br />resources through the County and EHP Blue. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board endorse the application <br />to the North Catalina Association of County Commissioners for the Employee Wellness <br />Program grant application. <br />