Orange County NC Website
14 <br />List the departments who will be a part of the wellness program and the number of employees <br />assigned to each location, If a department does shift work, indicate the number of employees per <br />shift. <br />see <br />to <br />The following questions seek to understand what the member is thinking in terms of a wellness <br />program and whether one has existed in the past. <br />Explain your interest in starting an employee wellness program. Why do you wish to <br />start a program? <br />To improve emplcyee health and productivity, reduce absenteeism and healthcare <br />costs, and establish an overall work environment that promotes good health and a <br />positive work attitude. <br />What are the anticipated results you expect from a wellness program? Within what <br />timeframe do you expect these results? <br />We hope to ultimately decrease absenteeism and reduce healthcare costs within 5 <br />ears. <br />Have you done any wellness activities in the past? <br />Yes <br />How long did ycu do those wellness activities and why did they stop? We have offered <br />several fitness challenges over the past few years that were time-limited. People would <br />record their physical activity for a period of 2 or 3 months and then prizes and incentives <br />would be offered at the end of the challenge for those who achieved the most. W e have <br />also included health related articles in cur employee newsletter on a regular basis over <br />the past year. Without a designated wellness coordinator it has been difficult to offer <br />on oin wellness activities. <br />What types of on-site programs exist for your employees today? <br />trainin and classes are offered eriodicall <br />When was the last time you conducted a health fair or employee health screening <br />event? <br />October 2004 at Em to ee Benefits/Health Fair <br />