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7 <br /> <br />$33,272. The required local match is currently included in the department’s approved FY 2018- <br />19 budget. <br /> <br />The indicated local match amounts for FY 2020 will be requested in the upcoming FY 2019-20 <br />budget cycle and must be committed from Orange County’s budget for the performance period <br />of July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020 (FY 2020), as indicated in the attached Local Share <br />Certification for Funding form (Attachment 4). This will require Orange County to obligate <br />funding in its next budget cycle for these expenses. A total of $33,272 would come from the <br />County’s general operating budget. <br /> <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the type of vehicle and engine could be identified. <br />Theo Letman said it is a 20-passenger van with a diesel engine. <br />Commissioner Price asked if an electric van would be possible. <br />Theo Letman said a charging station would be necessary, and he could look into this. <br /> <br />NO PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Price. seconded by Commissioner Burroughs for <br />the Board to close the public hearing. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs <br />for the Board to approve: <br /> <br />1) Approve the Community Transportation Program Grant application for FY 2020 in the <br />total amount of $244,609 with a local match total of $33,272 to be provided when <br />necessary; <br />2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Community Transportation Program <br /> Resolution authorizing the applicant to enter into an agreement with the North Carolina <br /> Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and the Local Share Certification for Funding <br />form; and <br />3) Authorize the Chair and the County Attorney to review and sign the 2020 Certifications <br />and Assurances document in Attachment 2. <br /> <br />Commissioner Jacobs thanked Theo Letman, and said the County needs to reexamine <br />the way it does vehicles, and have the infrastructure to use electrical vehicles throughout <br />Orange County government. <br />Theo Letman said there are other federal grants available that the County could pursue <br />to help fund this infrastructure. <br />Commissioner Price asked if there are any programs to take advantage of the <br />Volkswagen settlement. <br />Theo Letman said he received a letter from the NCDOT Public Transit Director in <br />reference to this. He said he would forward the letter to the Board. <br />Commissioner Price said she would like to see how the County can pursue electric <br />vehicles. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />6. Regular Agenda <br />