Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> <br />defining issue of our time, and we’re at a defining moment. Scientists have been telling us for <br />decades, over and over again, far too many leaders have refused to listen.” <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said this is a moment in time to challenge themselves as <br />elected officials. He said Orange County does a lot in regards to sustainability and climate <br />change, but the County needs to push the envelope a bit, and this issue is greater than cost <br />benefit. He said Orange County has the potential to be a leader in the state, and this is a <br />crucial time in history. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if staff could include a summary of which places were <br />flooded during the hurricane, and those that have been flooded before, when staff gives a report <br />on the damage. He said the County needs to see what is repeatedly being built in flood plains, <br />and perhaps considering discontinuing construction in areas that are known to flood. <br />Commissioner McKee said he spoke with Nancy Coston, DSS Director, yesterday, and <br />there are some local residents in shelters in Orange County. He said in talking about these <br />housing units, which keep getting flooded, he asked the Manager to research funding from past <br />storms that may have been available to buy out some of these flooded affordable housing units. <br />He said Orange County dodged a bullet with Hurricane Florence. <br />Commissioner Price said in response to Commissioner Jacobs’ comments about the <br />areas of flooding, there is no longer any building there, but the residents have no other place to <br />go. <br />Commissioner Price said more affordable housing units are needed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said there was some FEMA money through Congressman David <br />Price for Heritage Hills, and it has been done, but it has been sporadic. He said people cannot <br />continue to be put in the same dilemma. <br />Commissioner Rich said staff is working on some of these requests, and will bring back <br />information on October 16th. <br />Commissioner Rich thanked the deputies in the room that went down east to help. <br />Commissioner Rich said a committee has been created to come back with some <br />elections options, and a Commissioner needs to be added to that committee. She said she <br />would like to nominate Commissioner Marcoplos. <br />Commissioner Rich said tonight’s meeting is occurring on a Thursday evening, since this <br />past Tuesday was Yom Kippur. <br /> <br />4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> <br />11b- Arts Commission appointment <br />b. Arts Commission – Appointments <br />The Board considered making appointments to the Arts Commission. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs to <br />appoint the following to the Arts Commission. <br /> <br />• Position 3 for Evan Linnet At-Large (UNC Student Representative for a Partial Term <br />ending 03/31/2020. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />5. Public Hearings <br /> <br />a. NCDOT Public Transportation Division/Public Transportation – 5307 Program <br />Grant Applications for FY2018 <br />