Minutes 09-06-2018 Work Session
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 09-06-2018 Work Session
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Last modified
3/11/2019 2:56:36 PM
Creation date
10/17/2018 8:17:38 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
10/16/18; 8-a
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Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
Agenda - 09-06-2018 Item 1 - Economic Development Districts – Follow-up from Board Retreat
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
Agenda - 09-06-2018 Item 2 - Additional Discussion Regarding the Election Method for Members of the Orange County Board of Commissioners
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
Agenda - 09-06-2018 Item 3 - Discussion on Proposed Nonprofit Capital Funding Policy and Criteria
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
Agenda - 09-06-2018 Item 4 - Board of Commissioners - Boards and Commissions Appointment Process Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
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4 <br /> <br />Chair Dorosin asked which infrastructure has the debt on it. <br />Travis Myren said mostly in the Buckhorn Economic Development District (EDD). <br />Commissioner Rich said Mebane is at 17%, and asked if this is also part of the <br />infrastructure in the Buckhorn EDD. <br />Travis Myren said no, all of the infrastructure will show up in the red portion of the pie <br />chart (53%), and the Mebane-specific portion is grants and/or loans going to businesses <br />primarily located in Mebane, Efland, etc. <br />Commissioner Rich said it seems strange that Mebane is the smallest portion, yet it <br />receives more than other municipalities. <br />Commissioner McKee asked if this 14% includes agriculture grants. <br />Travis Myren said yes. <br />Commissioner Rich said that makes more sense. <br />Commissioner Jacobs clarified that this is not within the City of Mebane <br />Travis Myren said it would be within Mebane, but also includes the incentives for <br />Morinaga. <br />Commissioner Rich said that makes even more sense. She said she wanted to make <br />sure that funds are being spent in the Orange County portion of Mebane. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said when this sales tax began, it seemed logical to build in the <br />EDDs as all of the municipalities would get a cut of the pie. He said he is unsure if this was <br />equitable or not, and would be curious to know if the reverse is true: if County funds are spent <br />in the municipalities, is the same percentage returned as when funds are spent in the County? <br />Travis Myren said he would have to research this question. He said he imagines that <br />analysis would work both ways. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he wonders if it is a mirror image, or if it is different because <br />it is going through the municipality versus the County. <br />Travis Myren said if there were tax base growth anywhere in the County, it would drive <br />down the countywide tax rate. He said in that sense tax base is tax base. <br />Commissioner McKee said they were talking about sales tax increases that the County <br />distributes out to the municipalities. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he wants to know how this works coming back to the County. <br />Chair Dorosin said it all goes to the State, and then it comes to the County and is <br />distributed. He said every municipality benefits when any municipality does better. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said a past County Manager wanted to change the formula to <br />freak out the municipalities, and when considering how to spend the infrastructure money, it <br />would be interesting to see if there is a dollar-for-dollar return. <br />Travis Myren said the County has a choice as to whether to use a per capita distribution <br />or an ad valorem distribution, and he is not sure of the implications based on where the tax <br />revenue is generated; and if there are any. He resumed the presentation: <br /> <br />Article 46 Sales Tax (chart) <br /> <br />Article 46 Sales Tax Expenditures To Date (pie chart) <br /> <br />Article 46 Performance Measures <br />Measuring Return on Investment <br />• Small Business Investment Grant Program (From FY15-16 – Present) <br />o 105 Grants Made <br />o $558,230.95 Granted <br />o 191 New Jobs <br />• Agriculture Grant Program (From FY15-16 – Present) <br />o 53 Grants Made
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