Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> <br />but rather issue-to-issue, with members swinging back and forth. He said going to district- <br />nominate and district-elect will take away the argument of some people in district 2 that say, “we <br />nominate, but the whole County elects.” He said there is a perception of unfairness. <br />Commissioner Price said the perception is, “we nominate, and Chapel Hill elects.” <br />Commissioner McKee said the most equitable thing is to go to district-nominates and <br />district-elects. He said he thinks it is possible for a republican, independent, or green candidate <br />to win if one can get on the ballot and run a strong campaign. <br />Chair Dorosin asked John Roberts if legislative involvement was required for the County <br />wants to go to 4-3. <br />John Roberts said no, that would not require legislative approval. <br />Commissioner McKee said some options would require legislative involvement. <br />John Roberts said pure districts do not require legislative involvement; the County could <br />go can go to 7 districts and not go to legislature. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said going with 7 districts would lead to it all going pie shaped <br />towards Chapel Hill, which would be ridiculous. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said he has immersed himself in this issue more than anyone, <br />and has studied it for many years. He said his goal is to enhance democracy, and the only way <br />to provide fair representation is to go over to proportional representation, instant run off, or <br />cumulative voting, etc. He said gives a lot of information, but this would require <br />going to the legislature, and that would never work. He said the suggested “district-nominate/ <br />district-elect” is a waste of money and time, would change nothing, and it does not accomplish <br />the goal of increasing democracy, and, as such, he cannot support it. He said democrats will <br />always win in Orange County for the foreseeable future, which is the root of the issue for folks. <br />He is not in favor of using taxpayer money to address symbolism, and the Board has better <br />things to do with its energy, and should give this up for now. <br />Commissioner Burroughs said Carrboro used to be an incredibly conservative mill town, <br />and has flipped in the last 30-40 years. She said the foreseeable future is not that far. <br />Commissioner Rich said she shared her thoughts over the summer with Chair Dorosin, <br />and she would like to hear from the voters. She said a way to do this is to set up a committee, <br />and have public sessions throughout the County for resident input. She said any type of <br />committee would have to have a charge from the Board of County Commissioners. She said <br />Chatham County is doing something similar, as it is considering increasing its number of board <br />members and the way of doing elections. <br />Commissioner Rich proposed the creation of a committee to research this, noting that <br />when the County went from 5-7 board members, there was an internal committee that came <br />back with recommendations. She proposed creating a committee that does more than hold two <br />public hearings. She said a decision is not needed until late 2019, so there is plenty of time to <br />hear from the public. <br />Commissioner McKee said conversation would be good, but he is hell bent on his <br />proposed changes. He agreed that this would be merely symbolic, but Orange County spends <br />money on symbolic issues all the time. He said it will not change the power structure, but it is <br />impossible to have anyone other than a democrat win with the current process of elections. He <br />said district-nominate/district-elect could offer a good candidate, running a good campaign on <br />the issues, instead of ideas, the chance to win, which will level the playing field. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said if the Board makes this change, he will make a good bet <br />with Commissioner McKee. <br />Chair Dorosin said a committee involving citizens is a good idea. <br />Chair Dorosin said any change the Board can make to make this more democratic is <br />good, and he suggested adding the cumulative voting issue to North Carolina Association of <br />County Commissioners (NCACC) legislative agenda. He said he would go further than what