Minutes 09-06-2018 Work Session
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 09-06-2018 Work Session
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/11/2019 2:56:36 PM
Creation date
10/17/2018 8:17:38 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
10/16/18; 8-a
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Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
Agenda - 09-06-2018 Item 1 - Economic Development Districts – Follow-up from Board Retreat
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
Agenda - 09-06-2018 Item 2 - Additional Discussion Regarding the Election Method for Members of the Orange County Board of Commissioners
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
Agenda - 09-06-2018 Item 3 - Discussion on Proposed Nonprofit Capital Funding Policy and Criteria
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
Agenda - 09-06-2018 Item 4 - Board of Commissioners - Boards and Commissions Appointment Process Discussion
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 09-06-2018 Work Session
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14 <br /> <br />Staff reviewed 2010 Census data and the most recent population estimates from the American <br />Community Survey. The 2010 Census detailed population numbers are based on more precise <br />block level delineations (Attachment C). Conversely, the ACS develops its population <br />projections at a larger block group level, with each block group consisting of multiple Census <br />blocks (Attachment D). The block group areas in some cases consist of land areas larger than <br />the towns in the County. Additionally, while block boundaries align more directly with the <br />Commissioner electoral districts, the larger block group level boundaries vary substantially from <br />the current Commissioner electoral district lines. <br /> <br />The ACS 5-Year estimates utilize 5 years of collected data to produce estimates based on the <br />block group level. It should also be noted that the ACS data are only estimates based on <br />sampling and are not as accurate as the decennial Census data. For example the 2010 <br />Census population for Orange County was 133,801. Conversely, the 2010 ACS (5-year), a 5 <br />year period prior to the 2016 ACS, estimated the County’s population at 129,562. This equates <br />to 3.22% lower than the actual 2010 Census. The 2016 ACS may similarly underrepresent the <br />2016 population, but is statistically relevant. <br /> <br />Using the 2016 ACS 5-year data (the most current data available from ACS), staff developed <br />estimates of the population for the two BOCC voting districts. Unfortunately, as noted <br />previously, the block group boundaries do not follow the current BOCC electoral districts (figure <br />1). There are six block groups that are split by the voting districts. <br /> <br />Figure 1 <br />For each block group that was entirely within a single BOCC voting district staff assigned the <br />population numbers to that voting district. For three of the block groups that were split, staff <br />utilized the County’s current address layer to calculate how many residential addresses were in <br />each block group. Staff subsequently took the percentage of addresses for each block group <br />that were in each voting district and then divided the total population for each block group by the <br />percentages and then assigned the population numbers to each district (figure 2). This allowed <br />staff to estimate the 2016 populations for each BOCC voting district (figure 3). For the other <br />three split block groups that had only a small percent of addresses in a district, staff applied the <br />entire population to the district that had the majority of addresses. <br /> <br />Figure 2 <br />To summarize, the 2010 Census population for District 1 was 82,412. The County staff <br />generated 2016 ACS 5-Year estimate for District 1 is 85,990. <br /> <br />The 2010 Census population for District 2 was 51,389. The County staff-generated 2016 ACS <br />5-Year estimate for District 2 is 53,817. <br /> <br />The 2010 Census total County population was 133,801. The 2016 ACS 5-Year estimate for the <br />entire County is 139,807. <br /> <br />4) Can staff investigate and provide potential scenario maps eliminating at large <br /> Commissioner seats and detailing two Commissioner districts with multiple <br />Commissioners representing each district? – {Page 4 of abstract. ) <br /> <br />At the March 28, 2017 work session, the Board discussed, in theory, the elimination of at large <br />seats. A scenario of seven districts with one Commissioner representing each district was <br />discussed. However, based on Board discussion, staff understood that seven-district framework
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