Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: EB294A71-C7D1-4EE4-8287-60A6149320D4 <br /> eligibility. Our staff has increased efforts in collaboration with service providers to <br /> map services and develop a comprehensive local plan to end homelessness. IFC <br /> also enables Orange County to access funding through the Continuum of Care grant <br /> from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the North Carolina <br /> Department of Health and Human Services Emergency Solutions Grant. <br /> j) Describe what would happen if requested funding is not awarded at all or if a reduced <br /> allocation is recommended. <br /> iFC leverages a significant amount of funding from non-governmental sources and <br /> increases that amount annually, but private funding cannot cover the increasing cost <br /> of providing 24-hour shelter services for 90+ people on a given day. IFC depends on <br /> our government partners to join with us in assuring that your community's most low- <br /> income residents have a place to stay and a path to housing. As the only provider of <br /> shelter in the County, IFC must maintain its shelter capacity and hours of operation. <br /> Inability to fully fund our shelter programs would be devastating to the community. <br /> In addition, IFC must respond to requirements of other fenders and move into <br /> compliance with best practices. A leading grantor of homeless services, the North <br /> Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, has recommended that IFC <br /> "move towards Housing First best practices" to maintain eligibility for the Emergency <br /> Solutions Grant. This includes being a iow-barrier shelter, but we are not able to meet <br /> this recommendation with our current level of funding and staffing. Not only do we <br /> need more resources to continue the bare-bones operation we currently have in <br /> place, but in order to excel at service delivery as strongly recommended by existing <br /> grantors, we must increase our funding. IFC is committed to helping Orange County <br /> provide the best possible services to residents experiencing homelessness to help <br /> them achieve housing. We need additional funds to move closer to this goal. <br /> kj What percentage of your target population is low-moderate income? 100 percent <br /> 1) What efforts do you make to seek feedback about your program from your target <br /> population (e.g. survey, evaluations, etc.?) <br /> IFC includes shelter residents in policy and procedure decision-making. We hold <br /> regular House Meetings, have a complaint and appeal processes, and conduct <br /> resident exit interviews for feedback. We also have a confidential box where <br /> residents can leave notes, which are reviewed by Program Managers. <br /> We have a new community building project called Meeting of the Minds where <br /> designated staff mobilize resident leaders to assess and advocate for their needs <br /> within the shelters and beyond. Changes made as a result of resident advocacy <br /> include increasing residents' access to their rooms and belongings, changing curfew <br /> hours, providing additional cold food storage, and enabling more resident autonomy. <br /> We have at least one current or former client on our Board of Directors. When hiring <br /> our Executive Director and other key staff positions, we include residents in the <br /> process to ask interview questions and evaluate candidates. <br /> m) Include any other pertinent information. <br /> DO NOT SUBMIT THiS PAGE 1/23/2018 2:06:13 PM Page 19 of 3 <br />