2018-213-E DSS - Interfaith Council outside agency agreement
Board of County Commissioners
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2018-213-E DSS - Interfaith Council outside agency agreement
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Last modified
7/23/2019 4:51:30 PM
Creation date
10/15/2018 8:37:44 AM
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Contract Document Type
Agreement - Performance
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2018-242-E DSS - IFC ESG housing program funding
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R 2018-213 DSS - Interfaith Council outside agency agreement
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DocuSign Envelope ID: EB294A71-C7D1-4EE4-8287-60A6149320D4 <br /> h) Describe the specific period over which the activities will be carried out and include <br /> an implementation timeline. <br /> This program is ongoing through FY 19. <br /> i) Why is funding this program a good investment for the community? How does <br /> funding this program add value to the community? (250 words OR LESS) <br /> Inability to pay rent and utilities inevitably results in housing loss. While housing <br /> loss does not always lead immediately to homelessness, it is often the first step in <br /> a downward spiral. Without housing, jobs can be lost, the good will of friends and <br /> relatives can be tested and found wanting. When all resources are exhausted, <br /> homelessness occurs and emergency shelter assistance is needed. Furthermore, <br /> without resources, housing relocation is particularly challenging (The National <br /> Alliance to End Homelessness, Homelessness Prevention manual, July 2009). <br /> Being able to intervene before a situation spirals saves time and resources and <br /> spares families from the trauma of losing their home. <br /> Both Town governments have expressed interest in fostering a diverse, Inclusive <br /> community, which depends on addressing challenges that make it difficult for all to <br /> live in and be part of Orange County. If people are not in stable living situations, <br /> then achieving other goals, including participating fully in community life, will be <br /> much more difficult. IFC's Homelessness Prevention and Emergency Assistance <br /> Program is a primary means of addressing these goals. <br /> j) Describe what would happen if requested funding is not awarded at all or if a <br /> reduced allocation is recommended. <br /> If requested funding is not awarded, we would consider reducing the hours we are <br /> open and the number of appointments we offer. This would present a hardship, <br /> especially for many members who work and need to access assistance during their <br /> off time. We would also consider reducing the number of people who receive <br /> assistance. This would present a great hardship to the community, given that we <br /> are already unable to meet the need for rent and utilities assistance. The worst <br /> scenario would be that IFC would have to close one program completely. <br /> k) What percentage of your target population is low-moderate income? 100 percent <br /> 1) What efforts do you make to seek feedback about your program from your target <br /> population (e.g. survey, evaluations, etc.?) <br /> IFC has a suggestion box in the program's waiting area, and suggestions are <br /> reviewed monthly at staff meetings. IFC conducts periodic surveys to secure input <br /> about current services, unmet needs, and future plans. 1FC also has a more <br /> formal process by which members can voice serious complaints.. <br /> m) Include any other pertinent information. <br /> Every week, more households — as many as five — than IFC can accommodate <br /> request rent and utilities assistance. These community members are at greater <br /> risk of losing their housing or going without heat or water for some time. <br /> Agency Information 1/23/2018 2:06:13 PM Page 11 of 37 <br />
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