Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: EB294A71-C7D1-4EE4-8287-60A6149320D4 <br /> iii, Does your agency budget show a Surplus or Deficit? No not for the current or <br /> future ears, There was a deficit in FY17 due to multiple transitions in leadership <br /> positions that required engaging temporary staff, a search firm, and other <br /> unforeseen expenses. We are on budget thus far for FY18 and are tracking <br /> revenue and expenses closely. <br /> Is there a significant change? Yes/No Yes <br /> Please provide a brief explanation for Surplus or Deficit, and significant changes. <br /> In FY18, IFC lost significant funding from both United Way and the Federal <br /> Access to Recovery program. Due to its own hardships, United Way reduced <br /> IFC's allocation by $36,000, and we have been notified of another $12,000 <br /> reduction for FY19. The Federal Access to Recovery program, which funded case <br /> management for IFC residents, ended its program after a three-year funding cycle <br /> - a $72,000 reduction for IFC. <br /> IFC operates on a tight budget, and this combined loss of$120,000 represents 6 <br /> percent of our annual budget. We are committed to providing for the basic needs <br /> of Orange County residents and workers, so we must explore all options. IFC has <br /> hired a Development Director and increased our fundraising goals; we must also <br /> request additional support from our government partners. <br /> iv. What is your agency's fiscal year? J u ly 1 2018 th ro ug h June 30 2019 <br /> (Example: July 9, 2096 through June 30, 2017) <br /> Agency Information 1/23/2018 2:06:13 PM Page 7 of 37 <br />