Orange County NC Website
Zoning Officer's Recommendation (Made prior to PB meeting) <br />The Zoning Officer has not received information that would establish grounds for making <br />a negative finding on the general standards. These standards include maintaining or <br />promoting the public health, safety, and general welfare, and the use being in <br />compliance with the general plan for the physical development of the County, <br />The Zoning Officer has reviewed the application, the site plan and all supporting <br />documentation and has found that the application does comply with the specific <br />standards and required regulations concerning the Special Use Permit with the revised <br />site plan. <br />Provided the Planning Board finds in the affirmative nn the general standards, the Zoning <br />Officer recommends approval of the request fora Special Use Permit for the Middle <br />School subject to the 14 conditions in the attached Resolution ofApprovah <br />Information/Issues at Planning Board Meeting on April 7, 2004 <br />(Comments made by Planning Board) <br />1, What will the additional 5 acres be used forjust west of the proposed school? <br />2. Removal of pines on the north side of the property could cause problems with <br />north/northeast winter winds, Forested area is not taken advantage of, <br />3, Maneuverability of the field spaces could protect some woodland. <br />4, There was not enough time to review site plan including elevations, landscape, <br />transportation, circulation, parking and noise. <br />5. There is a need for the school and soccer fields to be designed together. <br />6, More passive recreation space should be provided, <br />7. Not enough information provided to determine whether pond should be drained or nat. <br />8. There is a tremendous liability with the pond being a magnet for children. <br />9. Biologist's report indicates that the site plan design [on plan submitted at Planning <br />Board] will threaten the habitats at the rear of the property and recommends all <br />development stop south of the ridge line divides the drainage area of the school facilities <br />from that which drains towards the vernal ponds, <br />10, Concern about the location of the school in an area that prohibits residential <br />development, <br />Subsequent to the Planning Board meeting, and prior to the Public Hearing, the applicant has <br />submitted a new site plan design that addresses the above concerns relating to layout of the <br />school facilities, <br />Overlay maps should be provided which show the following items the applicant will <br />provide: <br />a, The existing tree line should be shown indicating the location and types of trees. <br />b, An environmental component indicating the location of environmental sensitive <br />areas that need to be preserved. <br />c. A map indicating the changes made from the first time the Planning Board <br />reviewed the proposal to the Public Hearing, and any new proposed changes. <br />d, Indicate traffic and safety concerns and proposed improvements and how they <br />affect adjacent properties, <br />