Orange County NC Website
ost oak (Quercus stellata), scarlet oak. (Ouereu~ea), mockemut 37 <br />red oak (Ouerc__._._!?5 rubra)> P -----"-'---'-~--~amhar ~^~ciflua <br />hickory (Carva t_.__ o~a)> a°`d sweet gum (L~._------ <br />The lazgest, approximately 9-acre, portion of this Dry Oak-Hickory Forest is an impressive open, <br />mature white oak uercus alba dominated forest with a great diversity of specimen trees. The <br />land-use history of this oak-hickory forest is interesting in that the portion on the western half of <br />this forest community has not been timbered in the past century.. The present owners, the <br />Allisons, Performed some very selective cutting of the dead and damaged hardwoods as an <br />amenity toward maintaining a healthy forest.. The eastern half of'the hazdwood stand, as <br />described by Owen Allison, had been timbered for saleable oak and pine in the late 1440's to <br />eazly 1950's and the milling was conducted on site. What is present today~be0r o peration and, <br />hickories and other hardwoods not felled during that specie ~ pus oak species that were left in <br />of course, a great diversity of other hardwoods, including Oak Hickory Forest is a <br />the forest as too young to be of value at that time, The present day Dry <br />joining of an older undisturbed forest with one that was selectively timbered approximately sixty <br />years ago., The result, fallen s ecimen trees here and there esu tmg fr°m tha °S verge ~rflce storms of <br />beauty marred only by P <br />the past two yeazs. <br />Along the ridge top, the Virgmra Pme Forest grades into the Dry Oak-Hickory forest. A path (old <br />road bed) along the northwestern edge of the pine forest, cleazly defines a distinct~eeg art 0 ore <br />the two forest types, indreatmg tare likelihood of agricultural field activity during P <br />more yeazs, as akeady described by Owen Allison, The canopy of the western portion of the <br />ridge top and extending down slope to the west is essentially a pure stand of white oak uercus <br />alba , presenting a dramatic open o eru20fmches in d ameter~A dozen ort more are overo 24 inches <br />mature specimen trees averaging <br />with at least 6 specimen trees over 30 inches in diameter. A few Virginia pines occur in the <br />canopy with diameters of 16-20 inches s Theisen tazhee oak forest sTlrerfo est flop of this portion of <br />opport~mistically succeeded in opening <br />the site is dramatic with orhon o f the landscape was never disturbed fo~nagricultural use bp,s der <br />size, indicating that this p <br />previously described, this portion of'the forest has not been timbered in the past hundred years <br />resulting in the present open mature forest landscape, Lower o18 n h diameter shagbark hi kory <br />oak stand occur sizeable specimens of other species including: <br />(C a ovata ; 29-inch diameter southern red oak (Ouercu.,,_.___._ s ~)Pa~)> ~O ~ nn tulip fer~e AS the <br />sweet gum (Liauidambaz civraciflua); and 29-inch tulip poplar 2' <br />white oak forest extends down the edge to the north southern red oak (Ouae cu___._._ S fal~?ta)aP ~ ~ <br />occunence of a diversity of other species including: <br />(Ouerc_._!~, Ste~~ata); black °ak and red oak hybna ~onr~h ~e gum (1,iauldambazut <br />hickory (Carta tomentosa ;tulip poplar (1-~ <br />eiflua ;black gum (Nyssa___._._Sy1yat14a)> ash raxmus species) and honey locust, (Gledestzia <br />triancanthus „ The sub-canopy layer is very spazse with some dogwood (Comu„___._.5 fl4??da) and <br />sourwood (Ox• dendron azboreum) present as small specimens.. However, it is notable that at <br />least three specimens of two and three multi-tivnlc sourwoods are present in the eastern portion of <br />the oak-hickory forest with average 12-inch diameters. The shrub layer, excepting a few vigorous <br />patches of blueberries accuu sizeable native azalean(Rhododendron venclymen a~) w~eavy <br />deer browsing, although a very <br />noted in the center of the white pine dominant azea. Common vines scattered throughout aze <br />cross-vine (Anisostichus cayreolata) and catbrier Smilax species). The herb layer was also <br />spazse with here and theieh~~ 1 um species), o casional clumps ofppotted wintergreen asses, <br />primarily witchgrass (D__._,_._._.-.---- <br />