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29 <br /> Page 3 of 5 Michael Hughes <br /> As a Senior Project Manager(1985-1989): He was responsible for all aspects of project <br /> management on projects for Malcolm Pirnie5€TMs clients in the following areas: 1)telemetry and <br /> systems control and data acquisition, 2) computer based mapping, 3) database management, 4) <br /> computer based water and sewer system capital planning, and 5)the implementation of <br /> operations data and maintenance management software. He directed a project to assist the <br /> Government of Antigua with the establishment of a National Data Center <br /> As Manager of Computer Facilities (1985-1989): He managed in-house support and <br /> applications development for the computer-aided design, engineering, and accounting and <br /> project management computer systems. He directly supervised a staff of 10 programmers and <br /> engineers, and in this capacity he managed the business plan, capital and operating budgets <br /> and research/development of in-house and direct market applications. The major tasks he <br /> accomplished in this period of tine included replacement of the computer system used for <br /> accounting and project management, implementation of advanced uses of the CAD system for <br /> mapping and engineering analysis, and the development and marketing of software for water <br /> and wastewater facility operations. <br /> Senior Project Engineer(1983-1984): He developed the so called integrated software approach <br /> to water and sewer system hydraulic analysis and design. This approach, which incorporated <br /> database management, hydraulic analysis and computer aided design software, was known as <br /> WATERNET and SEWERNET, respectively, for water distribution and sewer collection <br /> systems. He successfully applied this approach to a number of system study and planning <br /> projects for Malcolm Pirnie5€TMs clients. Two significant SEWERNET projects, which provided <br /> the basis for technical papers he authored and presented at national conferences, were <br /> completed for the City of Orlando, Florida, and Pima County, Arizona. Mr. Hughes also served <br /> as part of a three-person committee responsible for selection and implementation of Malcolm <br /> Pirniea€TMs first computer aided design system. <br /> As Project Engineer(1982): Mr. Hughes evaluated alternative computing hardware and <br /> recommended acquisition of an appropriate in house computer for engineering applications. He <br /> was responsible for implementing the recommended system and converting programs from time <br /> sharing bureau. He developed usage charge-back rates and annual capital and operating <br /> budgets for the engineering computer system and supervised extensive applications <br /> programming in all areas of engineering. He prepared an in house computer users manual and <br /> conducted training sessions in White Plains and regional offices, as well as installed and <br /> maintained data communication equipment and terminal facilities. <br /> As Engineer(1978-1981):He was responsible for analysis of oceanographic field data and <br /> construction of multi-dimensional water quality models as part of Section 201 facilities planning <br /> studies and Section 301 h permit applications to determine required wastewater treatment levels, <br /> and optimum outfall location. The ocean and estuarine bodies he modeled include Suez Bay and <br /> Gulf of Suez, Egypt; Long Island Sound, and Chesapeake Bay. He conducted pH neutralization <br /> and bench scale bio-treatability studies for a dye manufacturing wastewater, and an evaluation <br /> of existing well and alternative surface water supplies for the world headquarters of a large <br /> computer and business machines firm. He also assisted with a sludge-dewatering project for an <br /> industrial wastewater treatment facility. <br /> Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br /> I would like to be reappointed to the Board as not only a matter of public service, but also to <br /> bring my professional experience, education and perspective to OWASA which is an <br /> organization vital to the health of our citizens, institutions and local economy. <br /> Conflict of Interest: <br />