Agenda - 10-16-2018 8-f - Triangle Water Supply Partnership Memorandum of Agreement
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-16-2018 Regular Meeting
Agenda - 10-16-2018 8-f - Triangle Water Supply Partnership Memorandum of Agreement
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Last modified
10/12/2018 10:47:12 AM
Creation date
10/12/2018 10:29:18 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 10-16-2018 Regular Board Meeting
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8 <br /> Memorandum of Agreement <br /> Triangle Water Supply Partnership <br /> and a Representative or Alternate Representative to serve as Vice Chair, both by <br /> Simple Majority Vote. The Vice Chair will perform the Chair's responsibilities when <br /> the Chair is unable to do so. The Chair or Vice Chair shall convene Partnership <br /> meetings, establish the meeting agendas, and preside at meetings. If neither the Chair <br /> or Vice Chair will be present for a meeting, the Chair will appoint a person to preside <br /> at that meeting. The Chair and Vice Chair shall have no additional power or authority <br /> over the Partnership. While there are no term limits established for the Chair or Vice <br /> Chair, it is the intention that the Chair and Vice Chair positions rotate among <br /> Participants. <br /> 6) Meetings: <br /> a) The Participants shall meet as often as required, but no less than annually. Annual <br /> Meetings shall be scheduled by the Chair and noticed to all Representatives no <br /> less than 30 days in advance. Any matter may be voted on at an Annual Meeting. <br /> The Annual Meeting will be held toward the end of each calendar year and <br /> include budget adoption, in order to allow for Participants to adequately plan for <br /> their upcoming fiscal year budget. <br /> b) Meetings will generally be held for the purposes of discussing the activities of the <br /> Partnership, planning for future activities, adopting the budget, and providing <br /> guidance and direction to the Administrative Agent, Fiscal Agent, and/or project <br /> managers, regarding ongoing Partnership activities and Projects. <br /> c) The Chair, Vice Chair, or 25 percent of the Participants may call a meeting by <br /> providing notice to all Participants ("Called Meeting"). Notice may be made <br /> pursuant to paragraph 17(n) or may be delivered by electronic mail. No Called <br /> Meeting may be held with less than five business days' notice. No matter may be <br /> voted on at a Called Meeting that was not noticed at the time the notice of Called <br /> Meeting is sent to the Participants. All meetings shall be open to the public and <br /> conducted in facilities that would accommodate the public. Meeting times, dates, <br /> and locations will be noted on the Partnership's website in a location accessible <br /> by the public. Notices of meetings will also be publicly posted on the principal <br /> bulletin board of the Administrative Agent, or if the Administrative Agent is not a <br /> Member, the entity represented by the Chair. <br /> d) Representatives (or Alternative Representatives) may participate in Called or <br /> Annual Meetings either in person or by teleconference. <br /> 7) Voting: <br /> a) A majority of the Participants must be represented by either their Representative <br /> or Alternative Representative to constitute a quorum for the transaction of <br /> business at any meeting of the Partnership. <br /> b) Each Participant will have one vote on all matters coming before the Partnership <br /> for consideration and the vote of each Participant will be counted equally. <br /> August 7, 2018 Page 6 of 35 <br />
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