Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> 1 said it is currently zoned rural residential, and the area to the north contains an EDD zoning, <br /> 2 and the area to the south is rural buffer. <br /> 3 Tom Altieri said this gets the developer one step closer to a re-zoning, but this would <br /> 4 have to go through many hoops first. <br /> 5 Commissioner Price said out of respect for the residents, there should be some <br /> 6 conversation on this topic and the plan moving forward. <br /> 7 Commissioner Burroughs asked if that is not the point of the public meetings. <br /> 8 Tom Altieri said yes, that is the intent. He said this has been done in the past, and the <br /> 9 proposal has not changed, but only the timing of when the process will be carried out. <br /> 10 Commissioner Price said she was referring to further conversation with Hillsborough. <br /> 11 Commissioner Rich said this has been discussed this for quite some time, and with all <br /> 12 due respect, she does not think it is due to lack of conversation with Hillsborough and the <br /> 13 residents in the area. She asked if residents have been notified of the proposal. <br /> 14 Tom Altieri said yes. He said the process has been ongoing for over a year, and it has <br /> 15 been a bit confusing with property owners previously, due to the developer's application, and <br /> 16 some misunderstanding over zoning and land uses. <br /> 17 Commissioner Rich said she understands Commissioner Jacobs' concerns, and it is <br /> 18 worthy of a conversation with Hillsborough to clear this issue up. She said it is important for <br /> 19 Hillsborough to know how Orange County feels, but she does not want to delay this project. <br /> 20 Chair Dorosin suggested getting information from Hillsborough and its future plans for <br /> 21 this area, by having Bonnie Hammersley communicate with the Town Manager by September <br /> 22 201h, the next regular BOCC meeting. He said once this information is received, the Board can <br /> 23 look at a timetable and whether to keep it as is, or slow it down. He said there is momentum, <br /> 24 and he would like to see it continue. He said the BOCC has a work session on September 6th <br /> 25 and there is a discussion on EDDs. He said this topic could be wrapped into that discussion. <br /> 26 He said to hold off for now on the proposed schedule in the memo. <br /> 27 Bonnie Hammersley said she will bring information back on the 20th <br /> 28 <br /> 29 7. Reports <br /> 30 <br /> 31 a. Northern Campus Capital Proiect Progress Update <br /> 32 The Board received a report on the progress of the Orange County Northern Campus <br /> 33 capital project. The update will include information regarding: <br /> 34 a) the execution of a professional services agreement amendment to Moseley Architects, <br /> 35 the designers of the Detention Center, as delegated to the Manager by the Board on <br /> 36 June 19, 2018; <br /> 37 b) the execution of a professional services agreement amendment to HH Architects, the <br /> 38 designers of the Environment and Agriculture Center and Park Operations Base, as <br /> 39 delegated to the Manager by the Board on June 19, 2018; <br /> 40 c) the award and execution of the Construction Manager at Risk ("CMAR") Agreement to <br /> 41 Bordeaux Construction of Raleigh, NC as delegated to the Manager by the Board on <br /> 42 June 19, 2018; and <br /> 43 d) a progress report on the project provided by Bordeaux Construction. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Bonnie Hammersley reviewed the purpose and background: <br /> 46 <br /> 47 PURPOSE: <br /> 48 To receive a report on the progress of the Orange County Northern Campus capital project. <br /> 49 The update will include information regarding: <br />