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18 <br /> 1 and then the town annexes. He said he thought that was also the agreement with Hillsborough, <br /> 2 but it is his understanding that Hillsborough is telling the developers of Settlers Point that it does <br /> 3 not like some part of the development, and thus will withhold water and sewer. He said this is <br /> 4 holding developers hostage. He said he would like more information, and it is unclear to him if <br /> 5 Hillsborough even cares about what the County approves in areas that Hillsborough will <br /> 6 ultimately annex. He said he would like to the think that the County's plans/input do matter. <br /> 7 Commissioner Jacobs said, secondly, this could be part of the EDD, but it is not; so this <br /> 8 is not a matter of one blocking development. He said the County has to be sensitive to this <br /> 9 neighborhood, and maybe there is a difference between what is being done on the west side of <br /> 10 old 86 (impacting the Davis Road community), and what is being done on the east side. He <br /> 11 said on the east side the original plan was for senior housing, which is better for schools, and <br /> 12 the Town of Hillsborough said no. He said there is not great communication, and any leverage <br /> 13 that the County has is about to be lost. He said rather than moving ahead, he would like to <br /> 14 know what is going on, and give the residents a chance to breathe. He said the County could <br /> 15 do better explaining things to the residents. <br /> 16 Commissioner McKee said does not dispute Commissioner Jacobs' comments, but he is <br /> 17 reluctant to believe that there will be an awakening in Hillsborough that will change its course of <br /> 18 thinking. He said two years ago, when he was BOCC Chair, he knew that Hillsborough was <br /> 19 against this Settlers' point, since it is seen as competition to downtown Hillsborough. <br /> 20 Commissioner McKee said he would be reluctant to lose what little inertia that does exist <br /> 21 currently. <br /> 22 Commissioner McKee referred to the Eno EDD, and said Durham is irrelevant, as it such <br /> 23 a small area of the EDD. He said he does not expect Durham to be very accommodating. He <br /> 24 said he can recall Boards from 30-35 years ago being adamantly opposed to any commercial <br /> 25 development in Orange County, and the County's dependence on the residential tax base is <br /> 26 evidence of this. He said he understands the desire to be sensitive to the community, but there <br /> 27 will be people who are upset no matter when this development proceeds. <br /> 28 Commissioner Marcoplos said both Commissioners Jacobs and McKee have made <br /> 29 good points, and he suggests taking a couple of weeks to have a conversation with <br /> 30 Hillsborough to determine the cleanest hand off. He said this matter is not hugely time <br /> 31 sensitive, and he has to believe that this can be figured out. <br /> 32 Chair Dorosin referred to the two maps: the first one being Hillsborough's land use plan, <br /> 33 which approves 84 acres to be suburban/office. He said the second map, which shows roughly <br /> 34 the same acreage, and the County is considering making this a proposed EDD transition area. <br /> 35 Tom Altieri said yes, consistent with the properties to the north in red. <br /> 36 Chair Dorosin asked if there are inconsistencies between these two maps/plans. He <br /> 37 said Commissioner Jacobs is expressing concern that the Town of Hillsborough will change the <br /> 38 use of the parcel, post annexation, which would be within the Town's right to do. He asked if <br /> 39 there is there some inconsistency already on the map. <br /> 40 Commissioner Jacobs said no, the only inconsistency is that some of it zoned this way, <br /> 41 and some it is not. He said it has to be changed, by the County, to be consistent with what is <br /> 42 north of it, and for the County to do so is different than what was communicated to the residents <br /> 43 previously. He said once the land is annexed, the County will no longer be at the table to <br /> 44 represent the residents' interests, and that is why he would like to see a conversation occur. <br /> 45 Chair Dorosin said he is hearing two concerns, the first of which is Orange County's <br /> 46 rezoning and timing of this, and it seems that the timing is not urgent. <br /> 47 Tom Altieri said he has heard the terms zoning and rezoning brought up, and really they <br /> 48 are talking about changes to the future land use maps, which provide a very general vision. He <br /> 49 said to implement this vision one has to start a re-zoning process, getting into specifics such as <br /> 50 the permitted use table, etc. He said there is no proposal at this time to re-zone this area. He <br />