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17 <br /> 1 Orange County Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Classification <br /> 2 "Economic Development Transition Activity Node" - Land in areas of the County which <br /> 3 has been specifically targeted for economic development activity consisting of light <br /> 4 industrial, distribution, office, service/retail uses, and flex space (typically one story <br /> 5 buildings designed, constructed, and marketed as suitable for use as offices but able to <br /> 6 accommodate other uses such as a warehouse, showroom, manufacturing assembly, or <br /> 7 similar operations.) Such areas are located adjacent to interstate and major arterial <br /> 8 highways, and subject to special design criteria and performance standards. <br /> 9 *Approved by Hillsborough March 2018 <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Commissioner Jacobs said he thinks this approach is a bad idea. He said, firstly, the <br /> 12 residents in this area were unhappy with the way this area was already zoned, and the County <br /> 13 tried to work with them to offer education and ameliorate the effects of Settlers' Point. He said <br /> 14 coming back this quickly, with more commercial development possibilities and more re-zoning, <br /> 15 is insensitive and premature. He said, secondly, the County should reestablish its relationship <br /> 16 with Hillsborough. He said when the Town of Hillsborough annexes a property it does not want <br /> 17 to have approved development standards, because if the Town annexes a property, it can <br /> 18 change the zoning and the uses. He referred to the letter from Orange County Schools (OCS) <br /> 19 to the Town of Hillsborough about the Collins Ridge Development being unable to <br /> 20 accommodate school buses. He said the response from the Town was that this was not the <br /> 21 Town's problem. He said this is not the type of partner relationship that should exist between <br /> 22 the County and the Town. He said, thirdly, the Board of County Commissioners represents <br /> 23 people in non-urban Orange County, and if the County allows Hillsborough annex, and make <br /> 24 changes without County input, the residents in the annexed areas will not even have the benefit <br /> 25 of their elected officials being able to comment, other than in a courtesy review capacity. <br /> 26 Commissioner Jacobs suggested either setting up a group of elected officials from the <br /> 27 two boards, or waiting until the annual joint meeting in February. He asked if this issue is time <br /> 28 sensitive. <br /> 29 Tom Altieri said it is not, but will need to come to a conclusion at some point, due to <br /> 30 water and sewer amendments, which become effective once the land use changes have been <br /> 31 made. <br /> 32 Commissioner Jacobs said the simplest way to discuss this is to be in the same room <br /> 33 with Hillsborough, noting the lack of respect that the non-urban residents get from Hillsborough. <br /> 34 He said if Orange County does not do this, then no one will do it. <br /> 35 Commissioner Jacobs said there is a Joint Planning Agreement (JPA) of sorts with <br /> 36 Hillsborough, and it was agreed that there would be the same development standards in each <br /> 37 jurisdiction when annexation occurs. He said if Hillsborough is going to change its policy then <br /> 38 the JPA should be revisited. <br /> 39 Commissioner McKee said there is something about this argument that is the same <br /> 40 argument that has stopped development in Orange County for the past 30 years. He said this <br /> 41 conversation with Hillsborough should be two way. He said he is less than inclined to be more <br /> 42 than respectfully accommodating. He said if an Economic Development District (EDD) exists, <br /> 43 he does not understand why it would not be fully used. <br /> 44 Chair Dorosin said he does not understand, and asked if Hillsborough has already done <br /> 45 something in defiance of the agreement. He said he thought everyone was on the same page <br /> 46 about Settlers' Point. He asked Commissioner Jacobs if he believes Hillsborough will annex the <br /> 47 property and change it all around. He said he feels that the outline in this evening's memo <br /> 48 seems like a process that came out of past meetings. <br /> 49 Commissioner Jacobs said the agreement with the Buckhorn EDD —with Mebane— is <br /> 50 that development within the EDD takes place under Orange County development standards, <br />