Item 8-a - Minutes
BOCC Archives
Agenda - 10-16-2018
Item 8-a - Minutes
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Last modified
10/12/2018 10:50:42 AM
Creation date
10/12/2018 9:59:50 AM
Meeting Type
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Agenda - 10-16-2018 Regular Board Meeting
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13 <br /> 1 it is part of the 50% design cost; the transition of some unknowns that were in contingency in <br /> 2 April 2017; value engineering decisions to accommodate the changes within the budget, which <br /> 3 remains at $2.476 billion. <br /> 4 Commissioner McKee clarified that the $90 million, and any other additional expenses, <br /> 5 have been off set by value engineering and or reductions in other areas. <br /> 6 John Tallmadge said yes. <br /> 7 Commissioner McKee asked if there are any surprises on the radar. He said there is a <br /> 8 huge amount of infrastructure between Chapel Hill and Durham, and asked if this will lead to <br /> 9 any surprised. <br /> 10 John Tallmadge said the risk assessment, which Travis Myren described, includes FTA <br /> 11 assessment of whether there is sufficient contingency left in the budget currently. He said this <br /> 12 is a potential change that is hanging out there. <br /> 13 Commissioner McKee said the Board is aware of the Transportation Infrastructure <br /> 14 Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loans that will be required, and asked if there is any <br /> 15 possibility that the proceeds for the loans will be considered part of the federal reimbursement, <br /> 16 or cash support. <br /> 17 John Tallmadge said no; the capital investment grant (CIG) program allows for up to <br /> 18 80% of the project costs to come from federal sources, but only 50% can come from the CIG <br /> 19 grant. He said this allows a TIFIA loan to be brought in, as well as other grant sources. <br /> 20 Commissioner McKee repeated that there is no possibility that TIFIA loans will reduce <br /> 21 the cash outlay from the federal government. <br /> 22 John Tallmadge said from the information that he has, and the conversations that <br /> 23 GoTriangle has had with the FTA, he does not see this as a possibility. <br /> 24 Commissioner McKee said this project is working on a razor's edge, and he will support <br /> 25 this action tonight though he thinks this is a boondoggle. He said he is not sure Durham will be <br /> 26 able to pick up anther shortfall, and he is worried with the continual evolution of this project and <br /> 27 the escalation of costs that there will come a time where costs cannot be value engineered out. <br /> 28 Commissioner McKee asked if GoTriangle is still standing by its sales tax projections. <br /> 29 John Tallmadge said Moody's did the original projections, and will be going back to them <br /> 30 for refreshed projections; but as of now, yes. <br /> 31 Commissioner Rich referred to the public comment, which identified this project as the <br /> 32 FTA's lowest rated project. She asked if this is accurate. <br /> 33 John Tallmadge said he has not heard that, and the information being submitted <br /> 34 currently, is part of the FTA's annual report, where all projects are reviewed and scored. He <br /> 35 said scores have not changed since last year. <br /> 36 Commissioner McKee said arrived late this evening, but he intended to petition to have <br /> 37 Davenport look at the sales tax projections, and overall financial outlook, again. He said he will <br /> 38 not make that petition. <br /> 39 Commissioner Marcoplos proposed a friendly amendment in order to ask what is the <br /> 40 state of Orange County's sales tax revenue, and if it is a problem, have a reassessment of the <br /> 41 projections. <br /> 42 Commissioner McKee agreed, and said he wants to make sure the County does not find <br /> 43 itself in a corner from which it cannot escape. He referred to the private fundraising, and asked <br /> 44 if there is an update, and how much is in cash. <br /> 45 John Tallmadge said this campaign remains active, and since this is a private non-profit, <br /> 46 he does not feel comfortable divulging this information, but there has been great interest in the <br /> 47 project. <br /> 48 Commissioner McKee said he is disappointed that the Board cannot at least get an idea <br /> 49 of the fundraising efforts. <br />
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