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4 <br />the Project dwelling units, unless affordability restrictions are terminated due to the <br />sale of the Property to a non-qualified buyer. In the event of a sale of the Property to <br />a non-qualified buyerby the homebuyer,the RecaptureProvisions of this Agreement <br />pertainand Habitat assurescompliance with affordability of each of the Project <br />dwelling units as provided in the Declaration of Restricted Covenants on the <br />Property. TheDeclaration of Restricted Covenants shall constitute and remain a lien <br />on the Property during the entire period of affordability. <br />C.Habitat agrees to retain full responsibility for compliance with the Affordability <br />Requirements provided in Section IV.Babove and the RecaptureProvisions provided <br />in Section 4B of Exhibit C, Declaration of Restrictive Covenants. <br />VII.HABITATPERFORMANCE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT <br />A.Habitatagrees and authorizes the County to conduct on-site reviews, examine client and <br />contractor records, client applications and to conduct any other procedures or practices to <br />assure compliance with these provisions. <br />B.Habitatagrees to not violate any State or Federal laws, rules or regulations regarding a <br />direct or indirect illegal interest on the part of any employee or elected official of Habitat <br />in the Project or payments made pursuant to this Agreement. <br />C.Habitatagrees that to the best of its knowledge, neither the Project nor the funds provided <br />therefore, and the personnel employed in the administration of the program shall be in <br />any way or to any extent engaged in the conduct of political activities in contravention of <br />Chapter 15 of Title 5, United States Code, referred to as the Hatch Act. <br />D.Habitatshall adopt the audit requirements of the Office of Management and Budget <br />(hereinafter "OMB") Circular A-110, "Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher <br />Education, Hospitals, and Other Nonprofit Organizations," and Circular A-122, "Cost <br />Principles for Nonprofit Organizations," and OMB Circular A-133, "Audits of <br />Institutions of Higher Education and Other Non-Profit Institutions." Habitatshall submit <br />to the County copy of said audit report. Habitatshall permit the authorized <br />representatives of the County, HUD and the Comptroller General of the United States to <br />inspect and audit all data and reports of Habitatrelatingto its performance under the <br />Agreement. <br />E.County shall provide, upon request, copies ofall laws, regulations and orders cited in this <br />Agreement. <br />F.Habitatand County shall at all times observe and comply with Title 24 CFR Part 92 and <br />all applicable laws, ordinances or regulations of the Federal, State, County, and local <br />government, which may in any manner affect the performance of this Agreement, and <br />Habitatshall perform all acts with responsibility to the County in the same manner as the <br />County is required to perform all acts with responsibility to the Federal government. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 12C19140-2C02-498E-AD84-772B4830D31B