<br />THIS A(.,,REEMENT, !made and entered into dais 'I"wenty-ninth day of September, 2018,
<br />("Elffective Date") by and between Orange County, North Carolina, a body politic and corporate organized
<br />under the laws of the State of North Carolitta, (tile "(..:OWAY"), Party of the firs( part; and Regina Graharn (the
<br />"Provider"), party of tile second part; W I TN E S S E T.11:
<br />For tile purpose alld subiect to tile terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the County hereby
<br />contracts For the services cif the . Provider, and the Ir"rovider agrees to provide the followilig services to tile
<br />C.'ounty in accordance with the terms of this Agrecn�ent, time being or the essence:
<br />The services and/or materials and/or construction (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Services")
<br />to be furnished under this Agreement are as follows: Provide serves as a driver to tile Citizer's of Orange
<br />(.,'ounty at a rate of $20 per hour '.
<br />`Fhe term of this agreement rendered shall be from 09/29/2018 to 7/31/2Cl19.
<br />Provider represents all(] agrees that Provider is qualified to perform and Fully capable ol"peilornling arid
<br />Providing the services required or necessary tinder this, Agreeillent in a rLIlly competent, prol.�essional aild
<br />timely nlanner to tile satisfaction of the Connty. Provider shall be responsible: For all errors, or omissions, ill
<br />the performance of the Agreement, Provider shall correct any and all error's, otnissions, discrepancies,
<br />ambiguities, mistakes or conflicts at no additional cost to the County. Provider agrees that Provider shall not
<br />sub-contract any of tile set-vices to be provided in this Agreernent, nor shall Provider assign all), right or
<br />responsibility granted or required by this Agreement, WithOUt the prior, written approval of" the: COLHItY.
<br />1. Paylpe L j,: The County agrees to pay at the rates specified for Services satisfactorily
<br />perfornled in accord with this Agreement, nic artiount to be paid by the County shall not exceed two
<br />hundred dollars, ($200). Payment sliall Jje made within thirty (30): days of,,,,, invoice properly submitted to
<br />County. Should Provider fail to perform its duties under the terms of this Agreement, County rnay, without
<br />filillt or penalty, withhold any payment associated with the work to be pet-R)rmed until such finte as said work
<br />is completed.
<br />1 Non --waiver-, Failure by County at any time to require the perforniance by P•owide• of arly
<br />of the provisions hereof` shall in no way, waive or affect the County's right hereunder to enforce the same, nor
<br />shall any waiver by tile County of any breach be held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach or a waiver of
<br />this Non-Waiver C'hlusc,
<br />3 a hie 'end en Contractor: 'I'lle Provider shall operate as all independent contractor, Lind tile
<br />coLinty shall not. lie responsible for any of the Provider's acts or omissions. Tile Provider shall not be treated
<br />as an ernployee with respect to the Service.s, perflonned hereunder 1'or federal or state WX, Lill 01111) 10YRICIlt or
<br />workers' compensation puri)oses, The Provider Underst ands that neither Federal, not, state, nor payroll tax of
<br />any kind shall be withlicid or paid by the Couqy ott behalf of the Provider or the ernployees of tile Provide".
<br />4. _tjify: The Provider agrees, WithOUt htnitation, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless
<br />(including
<br />Orange C(Milty front all losses, liabilities, claims, demands, suits, costs, damages or expenses
<br />reasonable attorney's fees) arising front bodily iiijury, including death, to any person or persons or datill,19C to
<br />Revised 10/17 (Mgr appry A (.i/t8) dept requcst9/20/18 I
<br />