[Departmental Use Only]
<br />TITLE OC Public Transportation
<br />FY 2018-2019
<br />11,115 AGREEMEMY, rnadc and entered intea this 'j'wenty-ninth day of September, 2018,
<br />("Effective Date") by and between Orange County, North Carolina, a body politic and corporate organized
<br />under the laws ofthe State of North Carolina, (the "County"), party' Of tile first part; and Natasha Mitchell
<br />(the "Provider"), party of the second paa; W Fr N E, S S,E'171t:
<br />For the purpose and subject to the tell'us and conditions hereinafter set j�arflj, tile County hereby
<br />contracts for the services of the Provider, and the Provider agrees to provide tile following services to tile
<br />(,ouylty in accordance with the ternis of this Agreenient, title being of the essence:
<br />'I'lle services and/or 11:jzjterials iind/or constrlldi011 (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Services")
<br />to be furnished undet- this Agreement are as followsy Provide serves as a driver to the Citizel,is of Orange
<br />County at a rate of $20 per hour.
<br />The term of this agreernent rendered shalli be froni 09/29/2018 to 7/31/2019.
<br />Provider represents and agrees that Provider is qualified to perform and fully capable of pct -forruilig and
<br />Providing the services required or necessary under this Agreement in a fully competent, professional and
<br />61nely manner to the satisfileti011 Of tile (,lounty. Provider shall be responsible 1"or, all errors or omissions, in
<br />the perforniance of the Agreetnent, Provider shall correct any and all errors, ornissions discrepancies,
<br />arnbiguities, rnistakes, or conflicts at no additional cost to tile County. Provider agrees that Provider shall area
<br />sub-contract any of the services to be provided in this Agreement', nor sliall Provider assign any right or
<br />responsibility granted or required by this Agreeftlent, without the pr -ior written approval of the County.
<br />I p , pccified for Services satisfacto"HY
<br />qygjqq: The County agrees to pay at the rates s
<br />perfornied in accord with this Agreenient, The arniount to be paid by the County shall not exceed two
<br />111undred dollars, ($200), Paynient shall be made within thirty (30,) days of an invoice properly subn'litted to
<br />County, Should Provider Fail to perforrn its duties under the tej•jjjs of this Agreeinent, COUDty inay, without
<br />fault 01' penalty, withhold any payruent associated with the work to be performed until such time as said work
<br />is Mnplcted,
<br />1 M2A.111.-wva iv—er: uailure by Courity at any titne to require the perforruance by Provider of any
<br />of flic provisions, hereof sh�fl I it, no way waive at- afTect the County's right hereunder to enforce the satire, nor
<br />,eeding breach or a waiver of
<br />sliall, any waiver by the COUnty of any breach be held to be a waiver of any suce
<br />this Non-Waiver Clause, ,
<br />3 1pd Lt,-Qq!9ractor- "rhe Provider shall operate as art independent contractor, and the
<br />The Provider shall not be treated
<br />Courity shall not be responsible for ally of the Provider's acts orol"issions.
<br />as all c,111ployee witli respect to the Services pei4bri-ned hereunder for federal or state tax, uneinployrnent or
<br />workers' cornpensation PL11-l)0Scs. 'I'l,le Provider understands that neither federal, nor state, nor payroll tax Of
<br />ld or paid by the County on behalf or the Provider ot the culployces of the Provider,
<br />any kind shall be withlic
<br />4� jp�jqq)ni�y� T'he Provider agreesovilhouit lillliWti0n, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless
<br />(.)!range County fi-orn all lOsses, liabilities, clain,is, dernands, suits, costs, damages or expenses (including
<br />reasonable attorney's Fees) arising frorn bodily irgjlury, including death, to any person or persons at- darnage to
<br />Ro6sed 10/17 (Mgr appiry 5k 6/18) dept request 9/26/18
<br />