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<br />TITLE
<br />• Public Transportation
<br />IFY 2�018-20119
<br />ORANGE Col,j-Nr.ry OCYTDRIVER CONTRACT UNDER $5,fl0f -00
<br />TINS AGREEMENr, made and entered into this 'I'wenty-niath day of September, 2018,
<br />(111'Yfestive Date") by and between Orange County, Nodh Carolina, a body politic and corporate organized
<br />under the laws of the State of North Carolina, (tile "(,ounty"), party of the first part; and I.,orita Davis (tile
<br />"Provider"), party of the second part,
<br />For the purpose and subject to the tcrilis and eonditions hereinafter set forth, the County hereby
<br />contracts for tile services Of the Provider, and the provider agrees to provide the following services to the
<br />County in accordance with tile tornis of this Agreement, time being of the essence:
<br />'file services and/or materials and/or construction, referred to collectively as "SelAfices' )
<br />to be Itirnished under this Agreernent are as follows: Provide serves as a driver to the Citizens of 01-fluge.
<br />County at a rate of $201 per hour,
<br />'File tcrill Of this aSqeeryient rendered shall be From 09/29/2018 to 7/3 1/2019.
<br />Provider represents and agrees that Provider is qualified to perform and fully capable of performing and
<br />providing the services required or necessary under this Agreement in a fully competent, professiolial and
<br />timely manner to tile satisfaction of the County. Provider shall be responsible for all errors or omissions, ill
<br />tile performance of the Agreement. Provider shall correct any and all errors, onlissions, discrepancies,
<br />ambiguities, mistakes or conflicts at no additional east to tile CoUnty, Provider agrees that Provider shall not
<br />Alb-contract any of the services to be provided in this Agreement, nor shall Provider assign any right Or
<br />responsibility granted or required by this Agreenient, without the prior written approval of the CoUnty.
<br />I led for Services sa(isfactorily
<br />R4Yjjj : "File County agrees to pay at the rates specif
<br />performed in accord with this Agreement. The anioui,it to be paid by the County shall riot exceed two
<br />hundred dollars, 02010). payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of an invoice properly submitted to
<br />County. Should Provider fail to perform its duties under the terms of this Agreement, COUnty Illay, without
<br />farilt or penalty, withhold aiiy payment associated with the work to be performed until sucil tinic, as said work
<br />is completed.
<br />I Nqp— ai (�r Failure by County at. aily tinic to require the perforniance by Provider of any
<br />—Y- Ps right hereunder to enforce the sarne, nor
<br />of tile provisions hereof shall in no way waive or affect tile County
<br />shall any waiver by flie, County of any breach be field to be a waiver of any succeeding breach or a waiver of
<br />this Non-Waiver Clause.
<br />I Ind IL �q!!-Qontraetol-: The Provider shall operate as an indclierident contractor, and (lie
<br />County shall riot be responsible for any of the Provider's acts or oniissions. 'I'lle Provider shall riot be treated
<br />as an employee with respect to tile Services performed lierClAnder for federal or state tax, unemployment or
<br />workers" conipensation I)IIII)OSCS. 'Fhe Provider Understands that neither Federal, nor state, nor payroll tax Of
<br />any kind shall be Nvithheld Or Paid by tile County on behalf of the Provider or the employees Of tile Provider.
<br />4� fLjdq!Lgj4y: '['he Provider agrees, Without lilflitati011, to defend, indClIlDify, and hold harmless
<br />orailge (,ounty From all losses, liabilities, clairns, deniatids, suits, costs, damages oi- expenses (including
<br />reasonable attorney's fees) arisilig from bodily injury,, including death, to: any person or persons or damage to
<br />Revised 10/17 (Mgr appry 5k 6/18) dept req1 ueq 9/26118
<br />