[Departmental Use Oinly]
<br />TITLE OC Publ:iic Transportation
<br />FY 20M�-2019i
<br />"THIS AGREEMENT, made anal entered into this Twenty -ninth day of Septentber, 2018,
<br />("FTI�ective I)ate") by and between Orange County, North Carolina, a body politic aml corporate organized
<br />under file laws of the State of' North. Carolina, (the "County"), part), of the first part; and Lorenda Trornba
<br />(the "Provider"), party of the second part;
<br />For tile purpose and sub ni on
<br />" subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the County hereby
<br />contracts for the Services of' tile Provider, and the Provider agrccs to provide the following services to the
<br />COLHAY iu accordance with the lernis of this Agifeentent, tinie being of the essence:
<br />The services and/or niaterials and/or constructioii (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Services")
<br />to be furnished under this Agreement are as f6flows: Provide serves as as driver to the Citizens of Orange
<br />Count), at as gate of $20 pet' 110'Ur.
<br />The terra of this agreenterit rendered shall be froni 09/29/2018 to 7'/311,/2019.
<br />Provider represeiits and agrees thatl1rovidcr is qualified to perfonn and fully capable of performing an(]
<br />providing the set-vices MC111ired Or neccssary under this Agreenient in as Fully competent, professional and
<br />timely nianner to the satisfaction of the Comity. Provider shall be responsible for all errors or otuissiorls, in
<br />the perf6rinance of the .Agreement. Provider shall correct any and all errors, omissions, discrepancies,,
<br />D
<br />ambiguities, mistakes or conflicts at no additional cost to the County. Provider agrees tilat Provider shall not
<br />sub-contract any of the services to be provided in this Agreement, nor shall Provider assign any ilght or
<br />responsibility granted or required by this Agreement, wittiout the prior Avriticii approval of the County.
<br />SP111,0111C, TERMS
<br />I N1,YBI : The County agrees to pay at the rates specified for Services satisfactorily
<br />Performed iti accord with this Agreement, 'File WIIOUnt, to be paid by the County shall not exceed two,
<br />hundred dollars, ($200). Payrnent shall be made within thirty (3 0) days ofan invoice properly submitted to
<br />County. Should Provider fail to perforni its duties Under the ternis of this Agrecincrit, County may, without
<br />Fault or penalty, withhold arty payn'lent associated with the work to be performed until sucli tinic as said work
<br />is completed,
<br />2, NonNvaiv �: F'aflure by County at any tinge to require the perforrnance by Provider of any
<br />, "T.-_ 9--tvel
<br />of the provisions hereof shall in no way waive or affect the County's right hereunder to enforce the carne, nor
<br />shall any waiver by the Cotutty of any breach be held to be as waiver of any succeeding breach or a waiver of
<br />this Non-Waivcr Clause,
<br />3. JTldqpqp&qL,K'
<br />or tractor: The Provider shall operate as an independent contractor, and the
<br />C.'OLH11y shall not be responsibic for any of the Providers acts or omissions, The Provider shall not be treated
<br />as an erriployee with respect to the Services perfor'nied hereunder for federal or state tax, unemploytneiit or
<br />workers' corripensation purf)oses. The Provider understands that neither federal, not, state, nor payroll tax or
<br />any kind sliall be withheld or paid by the County on bchallofthe Provider or the eniployees of the Provider,
<br />4m 1 1 ndejuni1y: 'I'lie Pt-ovider agrees, without lintitation, to def6nd, indemnify, and hold harmless
<br />.....' ...................
<br />Orange County froin all losses, liabilities, clairns, demands, suits, costs, darnages or experiscs (including
<br />reasonabie attorney's fees) arising from bodily injury, including death, to arty person or persons or datnage to
<br />Rcvked 10,07 (Mgr appry 5k 6/18) dept request9J20M
<br />