[Departmental Use Only]
<br /> TITLE OG Public Transportation
<br /> FY 2018-2019
<br /> 00"I' DRIVER CONTRACT UNDER$5,000-00
<br /> THIS AGREEMEM', rnade and entered into this Twenty ninth day of September, 2018,
<br /> ("f,'Iffective gate') by and between Orange County, North Carolina, a body politic and corporate organized
<br /> under the laws ofthe State of North (Arolina, (the "Cotinty"), party of the first, part; and Jessica Gentry (the
<br /> "Provider"),paarty,of the second part;
<br /> w rr N E S S E T 11:
<br /> For (lie purpose and subJect to the terins and conditions fiereinaller set forth, the County hereby
<br /> contracts for the services of the Provider, and the Provider agrees to provide the following services to the
<br /> ("ounty in accordance with the terms,of this Agreement,time being of the essence:
<br /> The services and/or inaterials and/or construction; (hercirrafte, rcforrcd (o collcetively as "Services")
<br /> to be ffirrilished under this Agreement are as follows: Providc serves as a driver to the Citizens Of Orange
<br /> County at rate of 2(l Per hour.
<br /> The terra of"this agreement rendered shall be fi-om 09/29/2018 to 7/31/21)11 9
<br /> Provider represents and agrees that Provider is qUalified to pcii'brm: and fully capable ofperforn,)ing and
<br /> providing the services reqidred or ntTMary Under this Agreement in as fully cornpetent, professional and
<br /> timely manner to the satisfaction Of the COLHALY. Provider shall be responsible for all errors or omissions, in
<br /> the perfortnance of (:lie Agreenient, Provider shall, correct any and all errors, omissions, discrepancies,
<br /> ambiguit,ies, mistalces,or conflicts at no additional cost to the County, Provider agrees that Provider shall not
<br /> sub-contract any of the services to be provided in this Agreement, nor shall Provider assign any right or,
<br /> responsibility granted or required by this Agreement, without the prior written approval of the County.
<br /> s
<br /> J 61"Ilgilt: 'fhe County agrees to pay at the rates specified 'For Services satisfactorily
<br /> performed in ac.cord with this Agreement,, The aniotint to be paid by the County shall riot exceed two
<br /> hundred dollars, ($200):, Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of an invoice properly subinitted to
<br /> COLulty, Should Provider fail to perfor-ni its duties under the terms of this Agreement, County may, withotit
<br /> fault or penalty, withhold any payment associated with the work to be performed until such time as said work
<br /> is completed,
<br /> 2, Non—waiver: Failure by C'ounty at any time to require the Performance by Provider- ofany
<br /> of the provisions,hereof shall in no way waive or affect the County's right hereunder to enforce the sarne, no]-
<br /> shall any waiver by the(._,'onnty of any breach be held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach or a waiver Of
<br /> this Non-Waiver Clause.
<br /> 3. d pit ndent, Contractor: 'flic Provider shall operate as an independent contractor, and the
<br /> Cotinty shall not be responsible for any of the Provider's acts or omissions. 1'hc Provider shall riot be treated
<br /> as, an employee with respect to tile Services performed hereunder for Federal or state tax, unemployment Or
<br /> workers' cornpensation purposes. 'rhe Provider understands that neitherfiederal, nor state, nor payroll tax of
<br /> any kind shall be withheld or paid by the COLHAY on behalf of the Provider or the employees of the Provider.
<br /> 4 Indeirnlity: The Provider agrecs, without limitation, to defend, indeinnify, and hold harrnlcss
<br /> Orange County firorn all losses, liabilities, claims, demands, suits, costs, damages or expenses (including
<br /> reasonable attorney's fees) arising froni bodily injury, including death, to arry person oi-persons or damage to
<br /> Revised t011 7(Mgr appry 5k 6/18)dept request 9J26118 l
<br />