Orange County NC Website
[Departmental Use Only] <br />TITLE • Public Transportation <br />FY 2018-29 <br />ORANGE ("O'UNTY 0CPTDR]l.'ER CONTRACT UNDER $5,000.00 <br />NORTE! CAROLINA <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 'J"wcjity-ninth day Of Septeinber, 2M, <br />("Ll'frective Date") by and between Orange C,,ounty, North Carolina, a body politic and corporate organized <br />under the laws of the State of North Carolina, (the "C(nnity"), party of the first, part; and Kay ,McPherson (the <br />"Provider"), party of the second part; WITNE S SETn: <br />P'or the purpose and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the C'ounty hereby <br />contracts for the services Of the Provider, and the Provider agrees to Provide the following services to the <br />County in accordance with tile tern-is of this Agreement, time being of tile essence: <br />4'he services and/or 1-naterials and/or eojjstra,iction (hereinafter rererred to, collectively as "Services") <br />to be furnished under this AgreCITMIlt are as follows: Provide serves as a driver to the Citizens Of 01,4111ge <br />C,ounty at a rate (if $20, per hour. <br />The term of this agreement rendered shall be ftom, 09/29/2018 to 7/3 l/20 19 <br />Provider represents arid agrees that Provider is qualified to perfiortri and fully capable ol7per.forming and <br />providing the set-vices required or necessary under this Agreement in a fully conipetent, professional arid <br />timely manner to the satisfactior, of the county, Provider shall be responsible for all errors or omissions, in <br />the petl'ormance Of the Agreement, Provider shall correct any and all errm, omissions, discrepancies, <br />ambiguities, mistakes or conflicts at no additional cost to the County. Provider agrees that Provider shall not <br />sub-contract any of the services to be provided in this Agreement, not- shall Provider assign any right or <br />responsibility granted or required by this Agreement, without the prior written approval of the County, <br />SP1i"CjyF1,C -TERM"S <br />j-_>,AYtp -ates specified t"Or Services, satisfactorily <br />, not,: 'File County agrees to pray at the i <br />performed in accord with this Agreement. The amount to be paid by the County shall not exceed two <br />hundred dollars, ($200). Payment shall, be made within thirty (30) (lays of all in\,oice properly submitted to <br />C'OUnty. Should Provider fail to perform its duties under flie terms of this Agreement, County filay, without <br />fault ol, penalty, withhold any payment associated with the work to be perfor-med until such time as said woi,k <br />is completed. <br />2. Npq -' waiver: Failure by County at any time to require the perforniance by Provider of any, <br />,eof shall in no way waive, or affect the County's right hereunder t enforce the same, nor <br />ofthe provisions hei <br />shall any waiver by the coutity of any breach be held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach or a waiver of <br />this flora - Mlaiver Clause. <br />3, jr�dqppij&g -ovider shall operate as, all irldependerit contractor, amid the <br />&Rtitractor: The Pi ated <br />County shall not be responsible for any of the Provider's acts or ornissions, Tile Provider shall not be tre, <br />as all culpioyce with respect to the Set-vices performed hereunder for federal or, state tax, unernploynient or <br />workers' compensation purposes. The Provider understands that neither federal, nor state, nor payroll tax of <br />any kind shall be withheld or paid by tile County oil behalf of the Provider or the employees of the Provider. <br />4. tqCcjjjnjty.: The Provider agrees, witillotit limitation, to defend, indernnify, arid hold harmless <br />Orange County from all losses, liabilities, claims, demands, suits, costs, darnages oj• expenses (including <br />reasonable attorney's fees) arising; from bodily in.jmy, including death, to any person OrPersOns or damage to <br />revised 10117 (Mgr appnr 5k 6/1,, 9), dept requeM 9/26/18 <br />