Orange County NC Website
[Departmental Use Only <br /> TITLE o�C Public Trans po>r'ta�born <br /> Y 018-201,9 <br /> ORANGPE COUNTY CaM DRI ER CONTRACTUNDER$5,000.00 <br /> NOWFU CAROLINA <br /> 'Y1111S AGR1 XM1FN T`, made and entered itto this 'f°wventy-ninth clay o eienafe l C , <br /> ("Effective Date ) by and between Orange County, North <br /> Carot , H politic an . corporate <br /> organized <br /> under tine laws o the State of North Carolina, (tile "Sounty°), party (if the rat T a <br /> "l'roviher"), party of tlae second part <br /> For the purpose and sub ect to the tennis and conditions hereinafter set. Forth, thy. County hereby <br /> contracts for tlae services of the Provider, and tdae Pi-(,,.wider agrees to provide t.die follor�vrrag; services �tcr lire <br /> County in accordance with the terms ofTthis AA.g reenient,tithe being of the essence: <br /> "fire services analu`oi materials and/or construction (hereinafter referred to collectively as "Services") <br /> to be furnished,aa.der this Ag ieentent, are as follows; Provide serves as a driver to the Citizens of Orange <br /> County at a rate MIN per hour, <br /> 'Flee terra of this agreement rendered shall be From 09/29/2018 to 713 112019, <br /> Provider represents and agrees that Provider is qualified to perform and fully capable of performing and <br /> providing tale services required or° necessary under this Agrecnaerat it, a titlly competent, professional and <br /> timely mariner to tine sat sfbction of"the Counit • Provider shall be �iesponsrble Farr all errors c;rr ciscr sianci it. <br /> the performance of trite Ag�reenient. Provider shall correct re t an and; all errors, o lthat rl Provider shall not <br /> ambiguities, tiiistalcca t.rr.conflicts at rio additional <br /> sub-contract any of tlae set-vices to be provided in this Agreement, not- shall i'rovicder° assign any right or <br /> responsibility granted or required by this ,Agreement,Without the prior written approval of the C'ontY. <br /> 5PECIFIC TERMS <br /> 11. lrayn-uenf; The County agrees to pay at, tlae rates specified for services satisfactorily <br /> performed rra accord with this Ag,reetraenL The aauiiorunt to be paid of, COUnty <br /> properly no sub era t ecf to <br /> hundred dollars, ( 2pfd)f llayi ent shall lie trade within thirty ( ) y pitted to <br /> County, Should Provider fail to perr°orm its denies render the terms of this .Agreement, County may, <br /> fault Ot. penalty,Withhold any payment associated with the wort(to be performed triatil such time as said work <br /> is completed. <br /> , Corr aiver: Failure by County at any titre to require tile perlorntance liar l�'iovider of ally <br /> of tlae provisions hereof shall ire lao Way waive or affect tlae County"s rtglat hereunder to enforce flee same, rior <br /> shall any waiver by the County of any breach be held to be a waiver of'ally succeeding breach or as waiver of <br /> this Non-Waiver Clause. <br /> , ;g c � t c rrt c iatt�a :or "rhe Provider shall operate as an independent contractor, and the <br /> Crranity shall not be responsible for any of'the Provider's acts air orrarssrartrs. Elie d.�rovi�cta shall taut be treated <br /> as an ctaployecil Willa respect to tlrc Services r �understands utlr�t neither federal, nor state, rtor payroll, tax Of <br /> workers' compensation, lirtiposes. The Provider <br /> any kind shall be withheld or paid by the County orgy belialf'of°the Provider or tdle employees Of tlae 1)rOvid�er <br /> 4. [pttl,grllp�q-. 'file Provider degrees, Without limitation, tcosts,en nrindesini expenses old her nil ss <br /> C7r�arrpe County from all losses, liabilities,, claims, demands, snits, <br /> reasonable attorney's fees) arising, from bodily inj,ut-y, including d'eatil, to any person or persons or damage to <br /> J�evased 10117(Mgr r,,q)pr'v 5r:.648);dept request 9/26/18 1, <br />