(Departmental Use Only)
<br /> "1°CL OC Public Transportation
<br /> FY 2018-2019
<br /> AGREEMENT', niade and entercd into this, TWelAY-11i"All clay of September, 2018,
<br /> ctive Date") by and between (.)range County, North Carolina, It body politic and corporate organized
<br /> ffe 11
<br /> render the laws of the State o:f North Carolina, (the ,county"), party of tile First part; and Betty Poo�le (t e
<br /> "Provider"), party of the second hart;. w ur N E S S E'1'11'
<br /> 1'or tli,e purpose and subject to the terms and conditions liel-einafter set forth, tile County hereby
<br /> cojjtI°acts (i)r the services of the Provider, and the Provider agrees to provide the followilig services to tile
<br /> Counly in accordance with the terras of this Agreement,time being of tile essence:
<br /> The services and/or nmterials and/or construction (liel-Cinafter referred to collectively as "Services")
<br /> to be furnished under this Agreen-i-cmit are as fbllows: Provide serves as as driver to the Citizells, Of()"ange
<br /> County at a rate of$20 per hour.
<br /> The term of this agreement rendered shall be from 09/29/2018 to 7/31,/201,9.
<br /> Provider represents and agrees that Provider is qualified to perform and fully capable of perfol-111ilug and
<br /> his Agreement in a fully Corupeterlt, pjof
<br /> pl-oviding the services required or necessary under t essional and
<br /> timely manner to the satisfaction Of tile COUllty. Provider shall be responsible for all errors, or omissions, In
<br /> the Performance of the Agreement. Provider shall correct any and till errors, ojllissioyls, discrepancies,
<br /> -ees that Provider shall not
<br /> an"IbigUities, mistakes ()r conflicts at no additional cost to the County. Provider agi n tarry right or
<br /> sub-contract: any or the services to be Provided ill this Agreement, not, shall Provider assig a
<br /> responsibility granted or required by this Agreetment, Without the prior written approval of tile("ounty.
<br /> 8
<br /> �11-I�ICJF I�Clr El�Rms
<br /> 1 1)a, "Ounty agrees to pay at the rates specified for Services satisfactorilY
<br /> "pYgle j., The C
<br /> Performed in accord with this Agreenicnit. The amount to be paid by the COLinty shall rant, exceed two
<br /> hundred dollars, ($200�), Payment shall be made within thirty (30) &ys of an ilivoice property sub lined to
<br /> County, Should Provider fail to perform its duties under the terms of this Agreement, County may, withoUt
<br /> fault or perialty, withhold any payment associated with the work to be perforrned L11,1til such time as said work
<br /> is completed.
<br /> Failure by Cotinty at airy fime to require tile performance by Provider of any
<br /> - the same, nor
<br /> of tile, Provisions hereof shall ill 110 way waive or affect the COL.nity's right herettrider to I enforce
<br /> Id to be a waiver Of ally SLIeceeding breach or a waiver of
<br /> shall any waiver by tlie(,'ounty of any breach be lie
<br /> this Non-Waiver Clause.
<br /> ml r
<br /> 3mm tte as an independent c( t actor, arld tie
<br /> Qqplr@�tor� 'I'lle Provider shall oper,
<br /> n-lissions. 'Hie Provider shall 1lot be treated
<br /> County shall not be respollsiblefor ally of the Providers. acts or 0
<br /> as all employee with respect to the Services pm-formed hereunder for federal or state tax, Linemployrne"It Or
<br /> workers" compensation pt,irl)oses. The Provider understands that l.neither federal, nor state, nor payroll tax of
<br /> any kind shall be withheld or Paid by tile County on behalf of tile Provider or the employees ofthe Providei%
<br /> 4. Indeml,lit 'i-'jje Provider agrees, without limitation, to defend, indeumiry, and hold harmless
<br /> Orange Count), f1rolu all losses, liabilities, claims, demands, suits, costs, damages or expenses (ille 9
<br /> ry including death, to ally persoll ()I.persons or damage to
<br /> reasonable atiorney's 6ees)arising from bodily injiu
<br /> rtevised 101/17 ftr appry 5k 6/18)dept request 9/26/18
<br />