Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:AA090EE8-66C2-4C49-8A7F-E6578EE85BD7 <br /> SolSmart Advisor Host Community Memorandum of Understanding <br /> Between <br /> Orange County and The Solar Foundation <br /> This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets forth the terms and understanding between <br /> The Solar Foundation and Orange County("Host Community")to facilitate the work of the <br /> SolSmart Advisor assigned to the Host Community and achieve designation under the SolSmart <br /> program. <br /> Background <br /> SolSmart is a national designation program, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot <br /> Initiative, designed to recognize communities that have taken key steps to address local barriers <br /> to solar energy and foster the growth of mature local solar markets. The Solar Foundation, <br /> serving as the SolSmart Technical Assistance Provider, and its team of national solar and local <br /> government experts provides no-cost technical assistance to help communities qualify for <br /> SolSmart designation. <br /> The SolSmart program primarily seeks to address "solar soft costs," or business process or <br /> administrative costs that can increase the time and money it takes to install a solar energy system <br /> costs which are then passed on to solar customers. While only certain local government <br /> procedures (such as permitting,planning, and zoning) are the source of some soft costs, local <br /> governments are in a unique position to reduce soft costs and take action to promote the use of <br /> solar locally. <br /> The SolSmart designation program will provide high-profile, national recognition for <br /> communities that have made it cheaper and easier for solar customers to invest in solar energy. <br /> In addition, achieving designation will send a signal to solar companies that a community is <br /> "open for solar business," attracting new businesses and helping designees share in the economic <br /> development benefits attached to the solar industry. <br /> A unique feature of the technical assistance offerings of the SolSmart program are SolSmart <br /> Advisors—experienced, temporary staff funded by The Solar Foundation to help communities <br /> achieve designation. The primary objective of the SolSmart Advisors program is to provide <br /> select communities participating in the SolSmart program with in-depth support for achieving <br /> SolSmart designation through engagements lasting up to 26 weeks. Through these engagements, <br /> the SolSmart program sees a prime opportunity for Advisors to become part of the next <br /> generation of solar market leaders. Under a separate agreement, the North Carolina Clean Energy <br /> Technology Center has been chosen to serve in the role of SolSmart Advisor to provide support <br /> to Orange County. The roles, responsibilities, and expectations listed below are critical to the <br /> attainment of these goals. <br />