Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:3B67A5FD-6776-4322-9152-0531CA4BC4BD XHIBIT A <br /> PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br /> WUNC-FM 91.5 is the only radio station licensed to Orange County that subscribes to <br /> the Arbitron rating service. WCHL, WXYZ, WCOM, and WHUP do not due both to the <br /> expense and because there are little more than a dozen Arbitron reporters in Orange <br /> County, making for less than accurate reports. <br /> Our website receives 800 visits per day. The median number of online listeners at any <br /> one time to our Internet streaming is 8.85, which enumerates aggregation services such <br /> as Tuneln Radio as just one listener, although WCOM's channel has more than 700 <br /> subscribers. We broadcast 24 hours per day. Thus any one 24-hour period would <br /> generate a minimum of 212.4 listener-hours. For a year that bare minimum computes to <br /> 77,526 online listener hours. <br /> DO NOT SUBMIT THIS PAGE 2/8/2017 9:06:10 AM Page 13 of 18 <br />