Orange County NC Website
MEMORANDUM 3 <br />To: John L,it~k, County Manager <br />Erom: Wilbert McAdoo, Public Works Director' <br />Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Director <br />Subject: Consolidation of Cowlty Solid Waste Services <br />Date: April 28, 2005 <br />The purpose of this memorandum is to present the issues relative to consolidating County solid <br />waste services presently provided by both the Public Works and Solid Waste Management <br />Deparhnents (Solid Waste). The working assumption is that should a consolidation occur, the <br />Sanitation Division would merge with Solid Waste rather than Solid Waste merging with the Public <br />Works Department. <br />Baclceround <br />The Sanitation Division of the County Public Wor]<s Department has as its primary mission the <br />responsibility of managing and maintaining the six public solid waste convenience centers and <br />collecting solid waste from these centers along with county govenunent buildings and the county <br />schools and delivering the waste to the Orange County Landfll. It has also provided numerous <br />other support functions to other divisions within the Public Works Department <br />Solid Waste manages the Orange County Landfill and various ancillary waste management <br />functions at the landfill, provides a broad range of recycling and waste reduction programs and <br />services, and performs assorted waste planning, enforcement, and regulatory/compliance functions. <br />Solid Waste was organizationally located under the Town of Chapel Hill until 2000, when it was <br />transferred to Orange County and became a county department. <br />At that time the Cotmty began maintaining two departments with significant solid waste operational <br />responsibilities, In the summer of 2004 the Cowrty Manager requested a study that would explore <br />the feasibility and associated cost of combining the two entities under one department It was <br />anticipated that such a consolidation would result in a more efficient/effective provision of county <br />solid waste services and eliminate citizen confusion regarding responsibility for solid waste services <br />in the county,. <br />Discussion <br />It should be noted that Solid Waste is operated as aself=funding enterprise fund and Sanitation is <br />funded tluough county's general fund and directly supported by county taxes. Any decision to <br />merge the two organizational units will necessitate budgetary adjustment to the different funding <br />sources. Additionally, any organizational modification of Solid Waste will require ensuring <br />conformance with the Interlocal Agreement. <br />The organizational assessment focuses primarily on Sanitation Division personnel, equipment and <br />budget, with limited focus on azialyzing operational matters (hours of operation, collection <br />methodology, site lease terms, policies, etc.) other than those operations matters necessary to <br />