Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:CAABEAFA-9919-4207-B5CD-58E618EA747E <br /> Attachment A <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> Behavioral Health Consultant RFP <br /> RFP#5240 <br /> September 1, 2017 <br /> Orange County Behavioral Health Systems Analysis <br /> Overview <br /> Orange County seeks proposals from organizations to partner with the County in conducting a <br /> county-wide Behavioral Health System of Care analysis, specifically focused on residents aged <br /> 0-25, including racial and ethnic subgroups, and their support networks. The consultant will also <br /> engage Cardinal Innovations to identify and address barriers to behavioral health prevention <br /> and treatment for this population in Orange County. The successful organization will work <br /> closely with the two Orange County K-12 school systems and community partners to analyze <br /> and make recommendations to improve the existing System of Care based on three <br /> deliverables described later. <br /> Background <br /> According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the majority of adolescents in <br /> North Carolina with mental health and substance use needs do not receive treatment services. <br /> Orange County is home to more than 141,000 residents, including up to 2,200 residents aged 3- <br /> 17 that are currently being treated for these conditions through the managed care organization <br /> Cardinal Innovations. In Orange County, hospitalization records from 2009-2015 demonstrate <br /> the percentage of visits due to mental health for youth 0-24 years is increasing as a proportion <br /> of all mental health visits (an increase from around 18% to 24% of all mental health visits). Data <br /> from the same period show that between 27% and 31% of all mental health visits for 0-24 year- <br /> olds are a result of mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance abuse. <br /> The Orange County Health Department (OCHD) sought a clearer understanding of the extent to <br /> which individuals in the 0-25 age group have access to resources for prevention and early <br /> intervention, as well as follow-up care and other support systems for recovery. Simultaneously, <br /> OCHD sought to identify the areas where these services could be improved by pinpointing <br /> significant barriers to treatment. OCHD interviewed ten prominent figures in the mental health <br /> community, surveyed more than 150 individuals based in the fields of healthcare, social <br /> 11Page <br />