Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:CAABEAFA-9919-4207-B5CD-58E618EA747E <br /> multi-year time frame. The implementation phase would be piloted in the Family <br /> Success Alliance zones 4 and 6 in Year 1 of the program. (see attached map) <br /> Proposals Review & Selection <br /> Proposals will be evaluated by a committee of representatives from Orange County <br /> Government, UNC Health Care, local K-12 school systems, and community stakeholders. <br /> Proposals will be reviewed and ranked first on proposal content, then reviewed by proposal <br /> cost, with a final proposal selected based on a combination of content and cost. <br /> Timeline <br /> Written Questions Due September 25, 2017 <br /> Proposals Due October 3, 2017 <br /> Oral Interviews October 16 — October 20, 2017 <br /> Project Selection October 23, 2017 <br /> Projected Start Date November 15, 2017 <br /> Projected Completion November 15, 2018 <br /> Required Proposal Content <br /> All proposals must contain the following information: <br /> 1. A complete description of approach to be taken by the individual or firm to the <br /> proposed project and discussion of any issues or concerns, which must be <br /> addressed in the plan. <br /> 2. Timeline for completion of each deliverable. <br /> 3. Name, address, and telephone number of the individual or firm submitting the <br /> proposal. <br /> 4. Names and qualifications of individuals employed by the individual or firm who <br /> will participate in the development of the plan and their individual responsibilities. <br /> 5. The name of one or more individuals authorized to represent the consultant in its <br /> dealings with Orange County. <br /> 6. Names, addresses, and qualifications of any professional firms other than the <br /> one submitting the proposal, or individuals other than those employed by the firm <br /> and not listed above who will be a part of the consulting team. <br /> 7. Detailed information on qualifications and past experience of the individual or firm <br /> as well as those who will be participating in the preparation of the plan, including <br /> experience and past performance on similar projects, professional staff, number <br /> of years in business, and proposed and current contract obligations. <br /> 8. A cost proposal based upon a maximum fee broken down separately for each of <br /> the deliverables listed under the Project Scope, indicating the individuals <br /> responsible for each, and the projected number of hours and the appropriate <br /> hourly rate of each. The cost proposal should include an estimate of any and all <br /> additional expenses anticipated. <br /> 3 Page <br />