Orange County NC Website
irce and effect from and eit•r lot <br />e times and ratified, this the 24A <br />R 438 <br />TO BE RECEIVED BY JUSTICF.d <br />1 NTY. <br />no do enact, <br />hail be paid as on assessed cart to <br />A the institution of the action thr <br />I Include any and all of the folbo- <br />ng eontimmaces, order of rnmral, <br />to peace, entering judgment, from. <br />warrant of attachment In eject <br />u (g1..o0) additiouaf. <br />es of the peace at the time of W <br />an of one dollar ($too). <br />utes the fees in the mattero IrAI. <br />office . . ........ ........$4.00 <br />ime ....................... <br />.26 <br />s allowance ........... <br />.. 2.60 <br />Iloting the same, <br />;heels for 100 words <br />...., .60 <br />............ .............. <br />.50 <br />1.00 <br />afridsvit included ....,,.,,. <br />1.60 <br />............................. <br />.25 <br />......................... <br />1.60 <br />.... ... .......... ..... <br />..._. LOU <br />...................._.... <br />.50 <br />.......................... <br />.60 <br />aden Cennty only, <br />ms in conflict with <br />this Act an <br />1953 State Statute Expanding <br />Board Membership APPENDIX E <br />1953 — SESSION LAWS C.H. 438 -439 -440 <br />Sec. 6. This Act shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />ra ti fica ticn. <br />In tiyo r:. ±c: c.-w�_ rcy,i t4.c� t;mcc a..! .,jicc,. 'H- <br />day 'J lfa _... .... <br />M 11.3;6 CHAPTER 439 <br />AN ACT TO AMEND G. S. 1634 RELATING TO THE ELECTION IN <br />NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF <br />COMMISSIONERS. <br />rAo Grnrral Assembler of North Carolina do enact: <br />Si lion 1. From and after the first hlonday in December, 1964, the <br />&card of County Commissioners of Orange County sball consist of five <br />Irembers. In the general election to be held in the year 1954, there shall <br />be elected in Orange County five members of the Board of County Com- <br />adasioners, three members to be elected for terms of four years each, and <br />I" members to be elected for terms of two years each. The tbree can- <br />didates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected for <br />tiair four -year terms and the two candidates receiving the next highest num- <br />ber of votes shall be declared elected for the two -year terms. In the event <br />a tin rote makes it impossible to determine which candidate or candidates <br />ban been elected the Clark of the Superior Court shall designate wtdch <br />mandate or candidates, as the case may be, receiving such tie vote shall <br />*rte. At the end of their respective fetus of office, their successors shall <br />be elected for a term of four years, and until their successors are duty <br />dotted and qualified. <br />Ste. 2. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this Act are <br />Mrtby, repealed. <br />Sm. S, This Act shall be in fall force and effect from and after its <br />eatllicatlon.. <br />In the General Assembly read three times and ratified, this the 24th <br />day of March, 1961 <br />If. 1j. 372 CHAPTER 440 <br />AN ACT AMENDING CHAPTER 634, SESSION LAWS OG 1961, FIX- <br />ING THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS IN AVERY <br />COUNTY. <br />rte Genmaf Assembly of North Carolina do enact: <br />6 ctien 1. That Section 1 of Chapter 634, Session Latvs of 1951, is <br />borsby rewritten to read as follows: <br />'The Sheriff of Avery County shall receive an annual salary of three <br />Owasand dollars ($3,000.00) payable in twelve equal monthly installments, <br />In addition to all fees and expenses as hereinafter set out. <br />The fees and expenses to be charged by the Sheriff of Avery County <br />fir aarricro rendered by him shall be as hereinafter set out; <br />(aj Executing summons or any other writ or notice, one dollar and <br />M7 conts ($!b0), for each defendant. <br />317 <br />M <br />