Orange County NC Website
A'rr➢ Excerpt from February 2, 1953 <br />Commissioner's Meeting APPENDIX D <br />Minutes 56 <br />April, 1951, as to the depositing in escrow with State- Plnnbers Bank ,g Trust <br />Compnny of Richmond, Virginia, bonds of the kinds sot; forth in said agreement <br />of not less than 2500,000 par value. <br />It is further ordered that Ira A. V %rd, County Accountant, and E, N. Lynd <br />Clerk of the Superior Court, are hereby directed to deposit doily in the <br />aforesaid Durham Bank & Trust Company, Hillsboro Breach, any and all funds or <br />money belonging to the County of Ornnae, or any subdivision thereof, received <br />or collected by them as required under the provisions of Section 153 035 of <br />the General Statutes of North Carolina. <br />A bill in the amount of 5200 was presented to the Board representing the <br />remainder due Graham and Eskridge, County Attorneyr, for the balance due for <br />services and expenses in connection with the issuance of ;250,000 Courthouse <br />Bond Anticipation Note, and the 0250,000 Courthouse Bonds. It was duly moved, <br />seconded and passed, that this bill be paid from the Courthouse Building fund. <br />Miss Annie Strowd and bliss Gladys Talley, new case worker for the blind, <br />appeared and dismissed the Aid to the Blind program in the county. The follow <br />inn, changes in grants were made: <br />James S. Blacknoll, I11, Now grant, %.7.00 per month, <br />Lizzie ':'lhite, reduced from a monthly grant of 8,116,00 be 135,00, <br />Charlie Robert White reduced from a monthly grant of 150,00 to $35.00. <br />Mr. James R. Parlow, Attorney for Brodie Powell, appeared and requested <br />the decision of the Board in the matter pertnininrc to the revocation of the <br />1952-1953 Boer License. Deputy Sheriff Prank P.laddry and Mr. Parlow informed <br />the Board t:hn,t Brodie Powell .. had complied with the Boards suggestion in <br />erecting additional lights outside his place of business, and was attempting <br />to improve the situation at his establishment, In view of this, the Board <br />advised Mr. Parlow that it was not revoking, the Beer License at this time. <br />It was moved by Commissioner Hobbs, seconded by Commissioner P.fland and <br />unanimously passed, that Mrs. Idabel Allison in the Clerk of Courts offic'b be <br />advanced from her present salary to a salary of $210.00 per month, effective <br />January 1, 1953, so long as she performs the duties formerly performed by Mrs. <br />Iris l'1, Cates. <br />PAr, A. 11. Graham and Mr. John T. !donning appeared and presented the <br />ing resolution: <br />RESOLVED, That the Orange County Bar Association be on record no favoring <br />an additional one week special civil term of the Superior Court of Orange <br />County to be hold the week: beginning the second Monday before the first Monday <br />In March of each year hereafter, excluding the year 1953, and that the County <br />Commissioners of Orange County be requested to approve such a term and request <br />the Orange County representatives In the General Assembly to have adopted <br />whatever legislation necessary to accomplish the establishment of this special <br />term of Court, working with Air. John M. Strong, Special Administrative Assis- <br />tant to Chief Justice Davin. <br />It was moved by Commmi.ssionsr Hobbs, seconded by Commissioner Efland and <br />unanimously passed, that the foregoing resolution be endorsed, and that a copy <br />of the same be sent to the Orange County Legislative representative, <br />At 2 o'clock P. H. on February 2, 1953, the Board met in the Courthouse <br />for the purpose of hearing delegations pertaining to the proposed change in <br />the number of members, of the Board of Commissioners. Mr C, W. Stanford, <br />Chairman, and Air. K. S, Cabe, Member of the Orange County Board of IYducstion, <br />and Hr. G. P. Carr, Superintendent, Orange County Schools, attended this <br />session. <br />A petition containing 330 signatures was presented to the Bonrd, This <br />petition read as follows: <br />WE, the undersigned citizens of Orange County, urge ghat the members of <br />the County Board of Commissioners be elected from the county at large, rather <br />than from any particular district or township, with no limitation on the <br />number of commissioners to be elected from any township. <br />Mr, Lee Brooks, Mrs. Harold Walters, Idrs, Everett Hush, Mr. P. W. 'Wager, <br />Judge L. J, Phipps, Mrs. Wettach and Mr. Alex. Heard spoke in behalf of this <br />petition. <br />Nr. Reid Roberts and Hr. Raymond Weaver spoke in behalf of a petition, <br />which was presented to the Board at a prior meeting„ and which stated <br />No two members on either board shall cone from the same township°. After <br />hearing considerable discussion In the Courtroom, the Board adjourned that <br />portion of Its meeting and reconvened in the Conmissionerst Room. <br />The following motion was submitted by Commissioner Hobbs: <br />MOVED, that the Orange County Board oi' Commissioners be increased from <br />three members to five members, and that such members be elected at large by <br />