Orange County NC Website
38 <br />Also at the Soard's June 22, 1998 regular meeting, Commissioner Alice <br />Gordon provided an updated report on the township residency of <br />comnssioners that had been elected since 1954 (see Appendix P). The <br />minutes of the meeting regarding this item do not detail any specific <br />discussion other than Commissioner Cordon's presentation of the <br />information. A summary in the agenda abstract notes that three of the five <br />county conunissioners were from Chapel Hill Township during 22 years of <br />the 44-year period since 1954. For ten years of that period, two of the <br />resided in Chapel Hill Township, and, for six years, there <br />had been four commissioners who were Chapel Hill Township residents, <br />There had also been four years when only one commissioner was from <br />Chapel Hill Township. <br />The last and most recent Board discussions regarding the election of <br />commissioners found by staff in preparing this 200.5 report occurred in early <br />1999. This discussion began at the Board's January 16, 1999 retreat, when it <br />appears that the Board briefly discussed "District (geographical residential) <br />Elections for County Commissioners" (the minutes for the reheat meeting <br />do not detail any discussion on the topic, but a separate follow-up summary <br />document found by staff includes information indicating that it was <br />