Orange County NC Website
34 <br />agenda materials, would have divided the County into five residential <br />districts, with one commissioner being elected from each district and all <br />voters countywide voting for each dishict's candidates. (This concept <br />equates to the District/At-Large election method discussed in another section <br />of this document which addresses current election methods for boards of <br />county comnrissioners in North Carolina's counties,) Chair Carey did state, <br />according to the minutes, that his plan would "address some of the concerns <br />and perceptions people have about whether there is representation on this <br />board from rural areas. It will insure rural representation." <br />After three county residents addressed the Board on Chair Carey's proposal <br />and made reference to the 1992. task force report (discussed above) as well <br />as the need for increased public involvement on this issue, members of the <br />Board briefly discussed the proposal (see Appendix L for specific <br />Commissioner comments). Following the brief discussion, the Board <br />unanimously approved a motion to "look first at all the options using a <br />residential election district plan and then, if none of these are workable, to <br />look at other forms of election". The Board further asked that "the County <br />Attorney and the County Manager gather information and produce a report <br />which details a plan to implement a residential district election plan as soon <br />