Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:3457204A-7765-4E36-8B42-227F6F673AF6 XHIBIT A <br /> PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br /> 1. YOLD <br /> understood to be root causes of observed inequities in academic outcomes in our <br /> schools, for example. The decades old achievement gap persists and disparities in <br /> end-of-grade tests (42% of black and 47% of Latino youth passed vs 90% for whites) <br /> and suspensions (8 times as often for Black students compared to whites) are <br /> representative of other disparities in service to our community's youth and those at <br /> the margins (e.g., those with drug and alcohol addictions, mental health issues, <br /> economically disadvantages and learning differences). This relates to Chapel Hill <br /> Human Services Needs Assessment's recommendation to strive for social justice and <br /> youth support, Orange County's goal to close the achievement gap and end the school <br /> to prison pipeline, and Carrboro's priority of creating programs that are reflective of <br /> citizens' needs and promote sensitivity to cultural diversity. <br /> f) Who is your target population of individuals to benefit from this program and how will they be <br /> identified and connected with the program? <br /> YCP's organizing camp will recruit and serve youth ages 14 to 18. We will target <br /> marginalized youth, especially African American, Latino, queer, transgender, and <br /> economically disadvantaged youth through our program and partner networks. We will <br /> accept youth from all backgrounds to ensure a strong dialogue and discussion at <br /> workshops. The camp will benefit multiple groups. First, youth participants are directly <br /> empowered and educated. Second, each youth's community and network will be <br /> affected as youth take action in their community to eliminate injustice and speak out <br /> against intolerant language. Third, marginalized communities will benefit as a critical <br /> mass of leaders in the next generation become educated and engaged in social <br /> justice. <br /> g) Describe the credentials of the program manager and other key staff. (Ex. Identify Program <br /> Manager and credentials, describe training provided to volunteers, etc.) <br /> Christine Abernathy has served as YCP Volunteer, Programmer and Director for <br /> over three years. She has demonstrated the knowledge and skills to organize this <br /> type of event across organizations. Abby Hylton, Programmer for YCP for over three <br /> years, was the recipient of a youth organizing award, attended 2 Freedom Schools in <br /> Durham, NC and conducted the YCP initial Freedom School in the summer of 2016. <br /> h) Describe the specific period over which the activities will be carried out and include an <br /> implementation timeline. <br /> YCP paid staff, including our managing director and program director, will execute <br /> the organizing camp in July 2017. Board members may provide additional assistance. <br /> Staff will hire workshop facilitators and recruit local activists to add guest speakers <br /> and facilitators to the camp. The camp will be held at Boomerang in Chapel Hill. The <br /> program will be planned and organized from January 2017 to July 2017. This will <br /> include building a multi-organizational team including key segments and organizations <br /> of the local community, especially those who suffer oppression and are traditionally <br /> underserved. This will involve recruitment of both adult leaders/organizers and youth <br /> to participate in Freedom School. The school will be conducted in July 2017 (specific <br /> weeks yet to be determined). Follow-up evaluations and assessments will engage all <br /> parties in August 2017. <br /> i) Why is funding this program a good investment for the community? How does funding this <br /> program add value to the community? (250 words OR LESS) <br /> Every community across the country needs to educate and activate its youth <br /> regarding fighting homophobia, misogyny, racism, and other forms of oppression. <br /> PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/31/2017 12:37:26 PM Page 15 of 45 <br />