Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:3457204A-7765-4E36-8B42-227F6F673AF6 XHIBIT A <br /> PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br /> 1. YOLD <br /> • Youth Restorative Justice Circles including Parents Against Racism, and Creative <br /> Swag Sisters have been working with YCP to develop and hold events and <br /> trainings. <br /> • Triangle Bikeworks participates and collaborates in YCP events; the two <br /> organizations share a board member. <br /> Program Description (3 pages OR LESS) Please provide the following information about the <br /> proposed program: <br /> d) Summarize the program services proposed and how the program will address a <br /> Town/County priority/goal? <br /> Youth Community Project will conduct its 2nd annual youth organizing and <br /> leadership development camp based on Youth Organizing Institute's Summer <br /> Freedom School model with Street Scene Teen Center (SSTC) and Beat Making Lab <br /> (BML). The camp will educate youth aged 14 to 18 around four subjects: organizing <br /> skills, political analysis, restorative justice and young people's movement history. <br /> YCP will run the program for two weeks in July of 2017. This will be executed by <br /> YCP's paid staff with limited assistance from YCP's board and paid staff from SSTC <br /> and BML. <br /> Volunteers, activists, and paid workshop facilitators will be necessary to make the <br /> organizing camp a success. Topics will include school to prison pipeline, sexism and <br /> homophobia, reproductive justice, Native liberation, and race in the United States. <br /> Youth will leave the camp as more confident leaders, qualified speakers on social <br /> justice, and experts on leveraging people power. They will become leaders in their <br /> social circles or school classes in the fight against racism, bigotry, and homophobia. <br /> Organizing camp will have a morning and afternoon workshop, lunch for the youth, <br /> and games that build youth confidence. Youth will meet inspiring community members <br /> and local leaders in social justice. They will learn both academic information and hard <br /> skills to use in a multitude of situations. The organizing camp's goal is that youth leave <br /> as organizers, thought leaders, and facilitators of change in their communities. <br /> This program addresses funding priority two. The program targets marginalized <br /> youth including African Americans, Latino youth, and youth from low income families. <br /> These youth are currently underserved and the town has struggled to engage them, <br /> politically and otherwise. <br /> e) Describe the community need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Chapel Hill <br /> Human Services Needs Assessment, Orange County BOCC Goals and Priorities, Town of <br /> Chapel Hill Council Goals, Carrboro Board Priorities, or other community priorities (i.e. <br /> Council/Board Goals). Reference local data (using the provided links, i.e. Chapel Hill Human <br /> Services Needs Assessment) to support the need for this program. <br /> Racism, homophobia, and marginalization runs deeply through US society. These <br /> problems continue because our youth are not socialized with race, class and gender <br /> equity in mind. In late 2015, East Chapel Hill High experienced homophobic messages <br /> throughout the school. There was no organized response from students. Individuals <br /> must be educated to be able to fight these social problems. In March 2016, the NC <br /> State Legislature passed and Governor McCrory signed HB2, an open attack by the <br /> state government and its supporters on the LGBTQ community and labeled the most <br /> anti-LGBTQ legislation in the US. There is currently no youth organizing initiative in <br /> Chapel Hill, Carrboro or Orange County that teaches youth hard intersectional skills <br /> to use in response to racism, homophobia, or forms of bigotry. These issues are widely <br /> PROGRAM INFORMATION 1/31/2017 12:37:26 PM Page 14 of 45 <br />