Orange County NC Website
Page 2 of 2 <br />/1 <br />~^ . <br />Richard L. Silverman 1// <br />Overall, I wish to ensure that our community and the natural environment is protected as <br />the county grows, STAFF NOTES: Reapplied with Town of Hillsborough 2/2005 for <br />Hillsborough Planning Board, ADDRESS VERIFICATION: 205 Saponi Drive is in <br />Hillsborough's ETJ, MOAD/ncg.Applied to Town of Hillsborough on their website initially. <br />Lives in ET.) per Margaret Hauth, Hillsborough Planning Director, Nominated by Town of <br />Hillsborough, Board of Commissioners to fill the ETJ position on the Hillsbor. Board of <br />Adjustment to fill the expired term of Chris Quinn. OTHER COMMENTS: would like to <br />contribute to my community in a positive way, and I would like to learn about Public <br />Service. I have learned over the past few months haw important public service really is. <br />This application was current on: 4/15/2005 Date Printed: 4/18/2005 <br />