Orange County NC Website
04/12/2005 13:14 9196442390 TOWN HALL PAGE 02 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION REQUESTING AN APPOINTMENT <br />TO AN EXTRATERRITORIAL JiJRISDICTION SEAT <br />ON THE HILLSBOROUGH PLANNING BOARD <br />WFIEREAS, as a result of'the end of a tam, it is necessary to appoim a person to a seat reserved <br />on the Hillsborough Planning Board far persons residing within the town's extraterritariat <br />planning jurisdiction; aad <br />WI~REAS, by state statute and town ordinance, the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />initially has the authority and respanm'bility to appoint ETJ mcmbets to the town's Planning <br />Board. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF TILE TOWN OF <br />IIII,LSBOROUGH RESOLVES: <br />Section 1. The Otaage County Board of Commissioners is respectfully requested to <br />appoi~ the following individual to a full term of an ETJ seat on the Hillsborough Planning <br />Board, whose term would expire in Apri130, 2008: <br />Arthur Jones <br />406 Rock Garden Ln <br />Iljllsbomugh, NC 27278 <br />Section 2. If the Orange County Boatel of Commissioners fails to appoint persons <br />willing to serve in the capacity descn'bed above within 90 days after receiving this resolution, <br />then the Hillsborough Town Board may make this appointment <br />Section 3. The Town Clerk shall send a arpy of this resolution to the Orange County <br />ManaBec. <br />Section 4. This resolution shalt become effective upon adoption. <br />The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote received the following vote end was <br />duty adopted this 11 a, day of April 2005. <br />Ayes: S <br />Notes:.p' <br />Absent or excused: ~' <br />I, Donna F. Armbrister, Town Clerk of the Town of Hillsborough, do hereby certify that the <br />foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Hillsborough Town Board of <br />Commissioners on April 11"', 2005. <br />~~~~~2~ <br />Donna F. Armbrister <br />Town Clerk <br />